
The vaccine will be in limited supply for months, so the fact that 50% won’t take it makes it good news. More chances of me getting it. 

The people complaining about this carry around a well-established tracking device they use to Tweet their paranoia with at every moment of their day.

What the fuck are you talking about? You realize vaccines help achieve herd immunity, right? This is why polio, measles, chickenpox and other countless diseases are not really a thing anymore... 

It goes without saying for this or any vaccine...

I remember getting into this with a coworker in January or February, who said that this would be no worse than a regular flu, and that it kills 30k people a year and nobody bats an eye.

This microchip nonsense is so absurd, and only demonstrates how stupid people are. They saw videos or photos of someone with an RFID chip implanted in their hand, something which requires absolutely no power and is just an identifier, and somehow believe you can also implant tracking microchips without any power

Land of the free dumb.

Annie Lennox.

Maybe if they can get Swinton to play Jareth’s sister.

There sure are some upset people in this thread... They clearly didn’t watch the whole video. The squirrels are fine, and if anything this was an experiment to demonstrate just how clever and adaptable they are. The whole “bird watching” thing is just there for story purposes. This is all about the squirrels.

Definitely going to keep this thread going and refresh your memory when this all comes back to haunt us (i.e., opening up too soon and proclaiming that it’s all over.)  Congrats on college.  Trump university, I’m guessing?

He literally put food in it for the squirrels and demonstrates how the catapult isn’t going to hurt them. They, in fact, make larger leaps than the catapult is capable of on a regular basis.

You get that it’s just a fun thing he did and that he wasn’t actually trying to deter the squirrels, right?

The real problem is that those COVID-19 deniers will then be coughing all over you at the supermarket. Unfortunately, they’re not just harming themselves.

If your religious beliefs are so weak that you can’t practice them in your everyday life at home while keeping people safe then your beliefs maybe deserve to die. I keep hearing Christians say that church isn’t a building it’s the people. It’s time for the people to stay the fuck at home.

There was this guy strolling around with a tuba a couple weeks back ... 

I’m seeing more and more people sitting alone in their cars in parking lots. Not three or four cars but 20 to 30. Many are in their phones. A lot are sleeping and a fair amount of people just sit there...staring. I imagine they are all getting away from their significant others, kids, parents and roommates. Still,

Now playing

We had some skateboarders on the downtown expressway.

I saw a weird lady walking down the street with her 3 kids, no masks, taking up the entire sidewalk (she was...a large woman) yelling at a homeless guy about social distancing, even though he was sitting against a wall with a good 10-15 feet between him and the curb and the nearest door to the store he was in front

Buddhist here, our temple and group has been practicing from home, in fact the temple was closed almost a month before social distancing guidelines were announced.

I haven’t seen anything too weird, but last month my sister who lives in SC saw a woman out power-walking through downtown Greenville in stormtrooper armor: