
I’m not sure when I said anything like that. The parks are not shut down, so people should be warned about the conditions, as people who are not into serious camping probably do not want to go to the extra trouble involved. What I did say is that people should be allowed to make up their own minds, not some people are

No, I don’t. If I have made plans or paid money or whatever, it is important to me, why would should I not go?  This is the time I have off, why should I stay home and then have to pay more money to go at some other time?

Depending on how serious a person is about camping and hiking and such, they do that. I personally am not that into camping and haven’t done that. I’ve only stayed a few nights at private places with working bathrooms and showers within a short walk.

As I said, never did any of those things.  Still would find a way to not cancel my once in a lifetime trip.

Never did any of those things. But if I had made plans and paid money that I couldn’t get back to go someplace that was still open, or if I could get my money back but didn’t think I would have another chance to go, I’d wouldn’t change my plans. I didn’t know that they were having plumbing problems, so I’m not sure

So, no Americans made plans or spent their money on a trip that they probably will not be able to take later?

I got a warning for something that happened about a week ago. The delivery was outside of my normal area, and there is really nothing on the app allowing me to avoid that sort of thing. I don’t know where I’m going until after I pick up the food. So I get the food, and according to the app the best way to get to the

Looking back, I think I would have liked it, if I had been introduced to the right person. But I don’t think that it would work for most people.

The people I know did not get divorced after. I also know a lot of people who were waiting to graduate before getting married, so if they would have known, they wouldn’t have waited. And I have not known anyone to be able to get around this any other way, no matter if they are really estranged from their parents, or

If she gets married, she can have the Pell grant and all that. Unless so many people have done that now that they’ve changed it, that officially separates you (financially) from your parents.

I have mine on one of those prepaid things. If I cancel I just won’t put any more money on it. Plus, once when they charged me twice for something the card refunded my money.

I am wasting my time trying to educate people. I can see less of a tip if it wasn’t what you expected. But what you think you’ve paid for and what the driver actually gets paid for is not necessarily the same thing.

Interesting how the people who aren’t at risk of anything think that they are being put out by what for them is usually the easiest part of this, having to walk to the parking lot, and it’s usually only asked of them when it is between that and cancelling. And there are going to be people who now know where you live,

Okay, so you don’t like Uber and so forth cause they are always getting lost and whatnot, only it doesn’t really happen that often. And you’re one of the good guys of the good guys who gets it that we end up making less than minimum wage and so you re supposed to tip and you tip well. But, on those times that someone

But that’s great. Just keep with that. People who know you tip and already familar with whatever weirdness is at your place are good with that, and people who don’t know if they are going to get tipped and don’t want to deal with any weird unfamilar area will have one less weird unfamilar area to deal with.

I had never used a GPS before. I did not want it. But, I wanted this other job, so I figured it out.

It is very rare that I don’t deliver the food to the door, though there are a few places that I refuse to go. Otherwise, there is a problem, and I’m not getting paid enough to go upstairs on ice or park someplace that is not a free visitor space, etc... Find out what it is and fix it.

Your food is gone in five minutes. That is what you have to make right whatever the problem is. Five minutes. I don’t have problems with most free food, I eat most of it, though the first time it happened there were way too many chicken nuggets, so my niece and nephew got those. Other drivers have allergies or end up

I am not having much better luck with Google, but I do that sometimes.

Okay, this is weird, I had to ask, because I couldn’t find it written down anywhere. Cause I could see that most of the customers were tipping on the app, but at the end of the day I had no extra money, except for this one guy who tipped cash.