Fast food is part of my meals every week.
Fast food is part of my meals every week.
The peanut thing is helpful if you have kids in your group, it gives everyone something to do while waiting for a table, and anyone complaining that they are too hungry to wait for a table is given a handful of peanuts.
Yes, it was weird. I think in explaining the rules for A-List they got confused and decided to ID everyone using any of their discounts.
Oddly, when AMC A-List came out, they decided to check my ID before I could use Stubs Premiere, even when I had the Stubs card in my hand.
Filing at two years is very common. And there is no reason to waste money filing if you think that they are going to settle before the deadline.
Really? Where?
I don’t know why I would want to see the same movie three times in one day, but if they don’t want you to do that, they haven’t made that clear.
That Three Billboards movie was a great surprise for me.
They have said they were going to test that, but I haven’t actually seen that yet.
You must tell us how you like it later.
I’m doing way more than 2-3 movies a month with Moviepass, and I did way more than that when the second run theater was still a second run theater. Only in the year between did watch less than that.
That’s funny.
I am going to wait and see. Moviepass is still a better deal for me now. Though, if I were allowed to use one of my three tickets for a friend to see the movie with me, I might switch to AMC. Right now I’m still a bit upset that AMC cheated me out of $10 Stubs points. I’m not even sure that I will renew Premiere Stubs.
How do you figure that? Up to 12 tickets for $20. If you actually use all of them, that’s $1.67 per ticket. What I am trying to find out is if you could give one of those tickets to someone who doesn’t go to the movies often enough to pay for their own plan. Otherwise, I will be staying with Moviepass, as it is…
I can say for certain that people live without ovens and even without kitchens. I lived for five years in an apartment without an oven. And, for many years on either side of that, though I had an oven in my home, I was so often in a motel for business I only used the oven for the occasional frozen pizza and baking…
That was me on The Virgin Diet. It felt like a full time job. Constantly looking at the clock to see if it was time to drink something, time to stop drinking something, time to prepare or cook something, time to eat something, or past time to eat or drink something. I had the shakes for more meals than I had to…
I do not know.
Sure, it was just an answer that wouldn’t have occurred to me. It doesn’t have much to do with anything.