
Back when I learned to drive I wanted to do that, but I was told that I was not allowed to do that in case someday I might not have an automatic transmission and might need to need the other foot for the clutch.

Um...like...when we first got married...if my husband was visually in the mood...north...

I like your name. I used to make jokes about it.

Unless he moves to El Paso to be near her, it isn’t like she’ll run into him at the grocery store.

I had some severe acne in my teens, and after using a couple of things I got from the health food store it mostly went away, and then I switched back to stuff like Clearasil. Then, it came back but not as bad. But I’m thinking, aren’t I too old for this now? I could not remember what it was I had used from the health

This one had a ramp, but it was such a steep angle. Not like the trailer I wanted at all. But, nobody else wanted to deal with going to rent one from somewhere else, and that’s what they had.

I did not care for the Home Depot truck. It is way high off the ground, just the opposite of what you’d want for moving appliances and such.

We have those for stoplights and for tolls, but sometimes you can barely make out it is a car and it often is the wrong license plate. There is no picture of the driver.

We have them at our Walmart, but I’ve never seen it open. Other places, it is the first one open.

More than thirty years ago, so there’s no way I could find now it even if I’d read the thing back then. This is just something my mother read, and if it were true I’m very disappointed that nothing came of it.

According to my mother, this was stated as a reason for not raising the minimum wage much (and this must have been something she read at least thirty years ago), and at the time it did mostly apply to a bunch of teenagers working at fast food places and summer jobs. After taking a poll of some teenagers who said that

This was my dad’s thing (minus the part about booze). But really, I don’t think it cost anyone a job, the cashier is still there, she’s just watching four lanes now. It gives some of us an option we like better. But for my dad, it just looked like they had gotten rid of three cashiers (and I don’t think they did,

No, the issue is, would we get minimum wage of say $15 an hour for adults faster if we left minimum lower for teenagers? That would get rid of the argument that we don’t want to pay kids that much, and it’s mostly kids working these jobs, which most of us know isn’t true anymore. So the kids would keep working at

And they won’t be any worse off if they have to work for two years at lower pay if the adults get higher pay. They’ll be better off in the long run same as everyone else.

Some of them do work just as hard. But if the wage goes up, don’t you think you’ll be able to hire adults instead?

Pell grants may have changed in the last ten years, but they used to pay for state school tuition. I don’t know if the grant increased to keep up with tuiton, or the the tuition was raised so the school could get more grant money, but they were exactly the same amount. And it did suck that you couldn’t use them in the

So your were that bad off, but you didn’t qualify for grants? That’s a little hard to believe. And it still doesn’t make me think it would be terrible for kids getting paid less for two years if it would make it easier for grownups to get paid more. They can still make like fifteen thousand dollars during that time.

You paid rent before you were out of high school, before you were eighteen? I feel sorry for you. But I doubt most people are in that situation.

That used to be a guild job. Now, it really isn’t a job at all most places. Theaters have switched. There’s no film. No one has to do anything except hit a few buttons.

They probably won’t get hired at all then. I was suggesting they have some paid work. If the minimum wage goes up they’ll probably have to do unpaid internships at the library first to get some work experience.