

Wouldn't eat lamb anyway, but I see it once in a while. Goat is at the Mexican places, but I haven't tried any yet.

Unfortunately the way things are it is more expensive to buy this stuff than it is to buy the stuff we are used to. When that changes I'm in.

I would totally be okay with this, if I were with someone who knew what to do about it. It's just going to waste otherwise.

I'm 48, and until maybe the last ten years or so I have not seen any of this stuff for sale. I still do not see a lot of it for sale, and it's usually more than I'm already paying for stuff I'm used to eating, so I still haven't bought any.

See, I don't want to shoot Bambi.

Yep, I'm going to take my business that I'm refusing to pay for elsewhere. That'll show 'em.

In America we eat beef, pork, and chicken. Also in November and December we eat turkey, and the rest of the year we eat sandwich meat made from turkey. And we really do not eat much other meat, unless it is still your family tradition to hunt and eat deer or something.

I had that happen a couple of times, once from a guy I really did not get along with, which really surprised me.

I really have no experience with food delivery service.

Kinja is not the place for people not interested in seeing Cthulhu's baby pictures.

I mostly do not even bother having this conversation anymore.

Better than what I would call it.

Hey, I use plenty of coupons. But most of them say to tell them before ordering. And that gives you an opportunity to ask if there are restrictions. Cause probably the all you can eat lobster is not a thing you can get with a coupon. And you are still supposed to tip the waitstaff on the before discount price.

Yes, I've seen that. Just it needs pictures too, so that you don't serve them any food before figuring out they didn't bring any money.

Blame Canada!

The only time I can ever remember it being an issue is we went out with mom, and she had a coupon, and there was a note on it about tipping on the amount before discount (we used to buy this whole book of coupons that had this warning on it, that if the waitstaff felt cheated they would no longer have these coupons).

Tipped ten dollars once when one of us got sick. She didn't even remember. I thought that was odd. Either I tipped the wrong lady, or other people make such a terrible mess that this wasn't even on her radar of unusual things.

I don't tip housekeeping. They aren't like waitstaff, they get paid. But I don't ask for them to do anything either. They just do whatever minimum thing they are required to do, and if I'm there usually I just have them leave the supplies and they don't even need to come in the room.

A lot of places do this for groups of six or larger. I think that's okay if it is posted, which it always has been if I've been charged. But I still hear people trying to get out of it. I even know of a woman who argues about it, even after using free food credit that wasn't even hers.