
You mean Clarissa, not Julie, right?

I thought Miller explained himself pretty clearly in an earlier episode. He’s a tool. The protomolecule needed an investigator, so it brought out the one it had on file. That same exchange identified Holden as a tool as well, and elaborated on it here. He’s necessary because he actually, physically exists.

I think the show explains Miller adequately; no book knowledge needed. Whatever was behind the creation of the ring is pushing Holden’s brain buttons to make him experience/hallucinate Miller. It is able to represent Miller exactly (including his actual memories, feelings and opinions) because Miller was with it when

Point of order: Julie isn’t swallowing a pill, she’s using her tongue to activate her combat implants. Though I have to say I’m kinda disappointed about how they present that state. In the books it was like time slowed down for her. In the show it’s like she just turns into a berserker. And I don’t get the same sense

I’m going to have to disagree with you and Zack on this, despite your well-argued points. Volovodova strikes me as a facade. She’s all smiles, and sweetness, and lets-all-fundamenally-connect touching, but I’m not sure as to how much actual empathy there is in all that. She spectacularly failed to correctly read

All I have to say is: God bless Amazon for saving The Expanse.

Easily the best show on TV and the most frustrating to get friends who don’t normally watch sci-fi to actually give a chance to (see also, Battlestar Galactica).

“I am convinced Straithairn’s character is genuine.” So am I. For one, it’s more interesting if he’s trying to do right by the captain, rather than intentionally undermining her. “Two people doing the best they can, but are suspicious and at odds with how to do it” is more dramatically interesting to me than “schemers

I got a kick out of the ethnic mix of the Martians: East Asian, South Asian, African, Maori.

Thats something I love about this show, in general. Those Marines weren’t morons or particularly trigger-happy, but they acted EXACTLY as you’d expect a bunch of Marines from a martially focused planet to act. Most characters on te sow make sense like that. It.might be frustrating as all hell (like that snotty little

I’m still agnostic as to whether it was the protomolecule ( or the alien builders ) that wiped out those star systems, or if it was them then whether or not it was self-defense. For all we know it could simply be younger civilizations using the ring network to hunt each other into extinction with the original builders

Personally, I absolutely adored that they just let the “Miller standing in empty space gabbing away” just be goofy looking. It beautifully added to the surreality of what was going on. It was clearly in the “explaining this to anyone would be fucking insane, though it’s not necessarily the craziest thing that’s

I don’t think so. I think the closer diagnosis is flat affect syndrome. He’s not able to properly express his emotions, and I’m willing to be there’s a healthy dose of post traumatic stress disorder mixed in too.

I loved Miller floating before Holden in his space walk. That’s some ready made promo & poster art right there. I give the ending head-trip a pass: a healthy B+ at the end of an A episode. Only because it’s like on the one hand the show is saying “We’re the Expanse. We’re a fucking good Sci-Fi show and we want our

In the book, the grenade made more sense. The interior of the nucleus was a huge cavern, and the protomolocule defenses were towering bio-mechanical golems that were much more aggressive than the crystal-tentacle-thingy the show used. SFX budget issues, I guess.

“I haven’t felt fear since I was five years old.”

I’m not a fan of the show but as an outsider looking in; it does illustrate how victims of abuse can end up becoming abusers themselves. it might be hard to take for some viewers but it’s a reality that exists and is worthy of exploration and understanding without being deemed exploitation or justification for

At least the one person he didn’t alienate is Lenny... and she happens to contain what’s left of his dear sweet big sister. I think if anyone could save David from becoming irredeemable, it’s Amy.

It’s very frustrating to see yet another villainous portrayal of mental illness.

I don’t have a problem with David being mentally ill, and I don’t have a problem with David being the villain. I do have a problem with David being the villain BECAUSE he’s mentally ill.

Do I.........do I need to watch Out of Africa?

Thank god this show got renewed, ‘cause holy shit.