
The whole picture is becoming depressing. From being in academia for so long and accumulating degrees without doing anything with them, to her anger and loss, her lashing out at innocent black students and reinforcing institutional racism, and her obvious mental issues. She needs an intervention that academia won’t

Publicly the people of CT will say they’re democrats and oppose racism. But their thoughts and actions expose their true nature.

I’m less concerned with the Yale Police having a policy where they check someone’s ID. I’m more concerned with the fact that this 100% is not a policy applied across the board. They can say they are just “following procedure” (and don’t get me wrong, on paper, asking for ID sounds like rational commonsense policy)

I agreed with it, and it seemed genuine:

Uh, who said she’s a progressive? I’m pretty sure that a woman who has TWICE called police regarding illegal/suspicious behavior by black women in her dorm building isn’t much of a progressive but more of a racist. I’m pretty sure that’s part of the definition of being a progressive: no racism.

SIDEBAR: Just read the piece. Not annoying, and I don’t disagree.

As other people have noted, this woman opened her apartment and gave them her ID. That they had to “verify” her ID is crazy. I would love to know how many occasions they have had when someone living in the building was actually a fake student with a fake ID. This is just stupid and racist and embarrassing as shit.

And what did they do to the racist that wasted their time? NOTHING, thats why their asshats as well!

Which is a huge problem. People calling the police because (black=suspicious) and never facing consequences. They reinforce racism. They create potentially dangerous situations. They waste the time of police officers and are harassing people. And there are never any consequences.

Well this is horrible, but at least it makes me feel better about being rejected by Yale for graduate school if they let in this idiot who never learned that 911 is for EMERGENCIES.

College kids sleep all over the place on campus. This is standard practice. Especially the ones that study like hell and fall asleep in the libraries, any empty chair, or in the computer labs.

And this isn’t even the first time! Terrorizing fellow students and wasting the time of the police (this ranks so very low on my list of priorities, but if there were ever to be consequences for her bleached ass, this would be the deciding factor I’m sure) demonstrating clearly that she is a disrupting factor on

And yet Becky McWhitetears will face no consequences from the university or police.

On this week’s episode of “Legtion”, Amy Haller bec0mes the most recently inducted member of the Women in Refrigerators Club.

See, this was the least “weird for weird’s sake” episode so far for me. There wasn’t anything all that bizarre here. It was just a bunch of potential outcomes in the life of a psychic with mental health issues and a psychic parasite (OK, complicated, but still). I thought it was pretty straightforward.

I was just happy that a DC movie FINALLY let its hero be the positive archetype that can still kick ass that they’re supposed to be. When my girlfriend and I were walking out of the theater, she looked at me with this giddy grin and said, “I feel like I’m 10 years old again.”

I also love that Wonder Woman has now

I finally watched Wonder Woman a couple of weeks ago and the battle/training scenes made me tear up which really caught me off guard. I’m not into action movies in general but there was something about seeing badass women doing the stuff men usually do onscreen was really powerful for me.

“...Pierce realizes something that he didn’t think was the case pre-Chloe: If he dies, he’s totally going to Hell.”

It’s pretty amazing how Dan started off as a corrupt cop, and now we’re left aching in sadness for how unfair it is that he loses Charlotte after the courage it took him to go to her last week. Good work all around by the writers and Kevin Alejandro.

Man, I’m going to miss Tricia Helfer. I never thought I would want this show to take anything from The Flash, but can she just return as a third iteration of Charlotte in some way, a la Wells?