
Turns out making him funnier & a caring father figure really improves his character!

What? Who watched anyone kill people? Pestilence infected people, yes, but none of them had died by the time Imra was gonna kill the redheaded assistant. Or if they had, the show hadn’t bothered to tell us. And killing her wouldn’t have stopped anything; it would have just been one more death of an innocent that could

Isn’t the concept of “rushing to judgment” kind of inherent in the idea of killing people without due process?

“Depends on how much actual science is used to depict the punch.”

Depends on how much actual science is used to depict the punch. Flash building up speed like he did in this episode would mean each of his punches should have the power of an ICBM or similar high powered missile and the shock wave alone would like throw DeVoe for a loop at minimum. And given that Ralph’s body is

Same, her evil-ish/serious face after the characters left in 4x15 already seemed to suggest that she may not have good intentions.

Of course the sad part of that dilemma being that Lena and Kara have far more romantic chemistry than Lena and Jimmy.

I still hope they have a satisfactory explanation for why the mysterious young woman is starstruck nervous/cute-awkward around our characters but then calm and dispassionate once she’s out of their sight. If nothing comes of the seemingly sinister vibe she’s giving off in those final beats, it’s going to feel like a

- Went to see Infinity War today and came home around 6pm exhausted. Even though I set my alarm, I missed the first third of the episode. Came in just as Marlize finished her water purification system.

Because if we don’t we’re no better than they are, in which case there’s no point being the “good guys.”

Dang, good for her.

Supergirl has a bad habit of abandoning characters - Snapper Carr, Lucy Lane, General Lane, Cat Grant’s son, etc.

That scene between James and Winn convinced me. Everybody in this show needs to be gay because the writers are very clearly too incompetent to write a convincing hetero relationship. ALL OF THE HOMO!

Often people who say: “I find using humor to be a tool of the weak...” or whatever, as Grace said are the WORST kind of people. Right off the bat she seemed suspicious to me. The red-head just seemed TOO obvious and it was TOO convenient she was passing out cookies to be Pestilence. Her red hair made me think she was

it’s really better if we all just pretend Lyra never existed.

- So, Purity has a supersonic screaming ability. Seems to me the best way to combat this is to pop over to Star City and grab Diaz, since his superpower is apparently making women with supersonic screams weak and helpless.

He obviously doesn’t count since her uncle was a total Non-entity.

They really could and should have mentioned a breakup with Lyra in passing rather than ignoring her entirely. I liked the character well enough, except her prosthetics were WAY too similar to the vampires in Buffy and Angel.

Supergirl’s attitude to Saturn Girl was pretty hypocritical given that she’s culpable for the deaths of Red Tornado, Non, Parasite, & Queen Rhea.

The threat from Pestilence was also really undercut by how blasé Team DEO was around the infected.