
Yeah, this show has ALWAYS been garbage.

Or, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but we could just properly fund all of the schools in the first place.

The irony here is that the research shows that when you have heterogeneous groups of students (meaning lower-performing and higher-performing), ALL students are more successful academically. Meaning that these parents all have their J Crew panties in a bunch over the “poor” kids coming in, when in reality it will

I had a great childhood full of Voltron and Voltron toys and I wasn’t about this knockoff, live action stuff.

Yeah, you know what occurs when that happens?

I think that’s also interesting, how the desire for equal access to education is characterized as displacing hard-working, deserving affluent children. Those UWS parents seem to feel that their children deserve something that other children don’t, whether they admit to it or not, and won’t acknowledge that they are

Well, now these upper-class children’s parents can spend their resources and time currently wasted on apartheid addressing the problems of schools which were formerly just a pet facebook cause and are currently of more pressing direct concern. Shit, so some lesser-income kids get to go to better schools and the

Lol @ Good childhood.

I grew up dead on in the age of power rangers and recognized it as shit as a kid. You are all pussies.

I never understand why folks get upset about public schools bringing in a more diverse student body.

There are about twenty bazillion sequals, such as Power Rangers Dino Thunder (with dinosaurs!), Power Rangers RPM (with vehicles!), Power Rangers Jungle Fury (with animals!), Power Rangers Deepstate (with Alex Jones!). Each one is annoying and available on Netflix.

I always wonder what the tax rate / base to live in Angle Grove was. Millions of people die weekly, there are giant monster fights in the middle of the city that must of created billions of dollars of property damage and when ever the zords are called natural disasters ensue. And yet, each week, the city is repaired,

It’s as if Daft Punk fucked the Village People

ya know, the “We were lucky to get anymore Evil Dead at all” people have a point, but they’re REALLY starting to get a bit tiresome, almost as if they are still in shock and this is how they cope.

Respect to Bruce Campbell as Ash ... but I would watch a spinoff with
Dana DeLorenzo, Ray Santiago, and maybe Jane Levy from the rebooted movie.

Say it ain’t so, Bruce!

Lmao last episode review. Dipping out while you can I respect that! Also I hear Syfy is doing a series set 600 years before Batman called Ye Old Gothame tells the story of Amadeus Jameson Wayne, Bruce’s great ancestor taking on the Black Plague and bandits

Or stubborn. I lost interested in the middle of episode 1. It’s just more paint-by-number filler that doesn’t bring anything to the table and wasn’t asked for by anyone.

I mean...the problem with Krypton is that it’s just...not good. It has a ton of potential, but it seems like they brought the B-team when it comes to plotting and overall story planning. But hey, I’m still watching, so I guess that makes me a sucker!