
Oh, so it omits the literal thing the grand juror called him out on? What a surprise. /s

Trump gets whatever he wants because he will badger the fuck out of people, whining, threatening, complaining, yelling, and he simply wears people out. I grew up with someone like this, and and it’s upsetting, exhausting, and also horrific.

Cameron has said that the jurors were free to pursue additional charges

I totally agree with what you are saying. If he was a totally fit 40 year old President of the US, he would have way better odds then his 70 year old obese out of shape self. I meant my comment to temper expectations because this paragraph:

Seriously. How dumb does he think we are? We all know he can't read.

I’m partial to “forced birthers.

That’s tankey talk, you must be some kind of comrade. 

lmao dude has never ‘ask[ed] for documents to review’ in his fucking life.

William Barr is refusing to quarantine. He was at those events, he was exposed to people who are now sick. That man is pure evil.

Pro-lifers are notoriously unconcerned about the actual lives of others, as we all know (which is why the should always be referred to as “anti-choice”).

Yep. I’ll be shocked if ANY of the COVID positive Republican leaders actually quarantines for the entire 14 days. They’ve already demonstrated a complete lack of concern for the welfare of others, and they know they’re not doing well in the polls right now.

This feeling is hard for me to articulate, but, even four years into his presidency, I’ll sometimes have this strange, jarring realization that he’s the president. I mean, I know he is, in true fact, but occasionally, out of the blue, the insanity of this reality hits me hard as I’m just casually scrolling headlines

It’s established fact that Trump only cares about Trump. That he might infect others never entered his mind. Even if it had, he wouldn’t care. Other people are just extras in the movie of his life.

No worries at all. It’s just that the old, clearly unhealthy president has been diagnosed with a deadly illness, and no one can believe anything anyone in the White House says about his condition because they have lied so consistently over the last four years. Normal country. Good times. 

This is essentially a Jim Crow law. Even though he doing this statewide he knows damn well that the counties that are predominantly populated by people of color will be impacted more severely than others.

Obviously and with no shame or regret I hope he suffers, but I can’t help but think how much worse he’s going to be if he comes out of this diagnosis and is lucky and only experiences some minor symptoms. I’m hoping the fact that he hasn’t tweeted since last night means it’s pretty fucking bad. And, once again, if

Eloquently put, yet they won’t see it. They will fall back on their justifications and half-truths. They will rely upon their own comforts and say “it’s you with the problem”. They will continue to propagate their theories on black on black crime, latinos absconding with jobs, bootstraps, etc.

Yes, both Bidens are negative for COVID. Hope it stays that way.

but imagine if he doesn’t get that sick “see it’s not that bad”. I’ve already had enough republicans tell me that they “had covid, so they know”. Like somehow scientific knowledge is carried by the virus.

They are overwhelmingly likely to recover without any significant complications which will only serve to fuel the wacko narrative that the”C Monster” is a Dem conspiracy crafted to crash the economy and rig the election. It will probably have a net benefit for his campaign.

The thing that is virtually impossible to