
I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.

Nah, keep him just barely hanging on with the the least amount of monetary effort. Really drag it out for all it is worth.

You can have a discussion about the use of SM, lots of people have and I would recommend that you seek out that research if you want to know why people take million selfies. Boiling it down to narcissism or insecurity is the easiest answer to reach for. And even if it is narcissism/insecurity, then what? Is that an

Karma showed up far too late.

He won’t. He’s allowed to use the benefits because it now affects him and he is a faultless victim. But nobody else can use them, because it’s entirely their fault.

I’d say it’s also a Strawman argument: it implies that her critics what to censor her (the strawman) and then criticize that position (“she should be able to voice her opinion”).

idk who cares, let people post selfies and just appreciate that they are feeling pretty that day, and stop making assumptions on why people do it.

Does this fallacy have a name?

lmao, read the headline and immediately ran the jingle through my head (which I haven’t heard in probably 25 years), and KNEW it was 8.  Ni-nick counts for 2.

This. It is not within the capabilities (or, frankly, responsibilities) of private corporations to maintain their entire workforce for extended periods when their core business functions are depressed or fully non-functional. It also does not make sense that one would be surprised or disappointed if a private company

“I hate having two hands..I really do...”

strangely, it appears that some people who agree with trumps policies (?!) are starting to find his presentation so off-putting that they are considering voting for biden.

This question has already been approved for next week’s debate.

Trump is the visible tumor that represents the racist cancer running through the body politic of America.

What you call “powerful and domineering” I call “an orangutan having a fit and throwing shit all over the room”.

It’s because insecure idiots like you equate toxic and immature behavior like Trump displayed that we are so deep in this mess.

Iger’s already forgone his entire 2020 salary. For Iger’s salary to pay even one year of wages(not even benefits) for 28000 employees, he would have to forgo his salary for 15-ish years.

There was a lively debate on my community Facebook page when someone asked for an “objective” news source. Several folks (myself included) suggested the PBS NewsHour, C-SPAN, NPR, as well as wire services like AP and Reuters.

“Powerful”? I just saw an insecure bully who’s too much of a pussy to abide by the rules.  Truly powerful people don’t need to cheat at debating (or golf, or in their business dealings, or on their taxes, or...).  They can win on their own merits.