
Why is this a video?

Owning a gun makes you more likely to get shot.

Always wondered if I’d fit on a grom

I am shocked—SHOCKED—to learn that there’s a substantial overlap between bitcoin fanatics and people who refuse to be vaccinated 

Also half of us are over there commenting and reading anyways.

Kristen went to business insider, and has some really cool and meaty articles there. The drive really feels like a young jalopnik and it’d become my new favorite if there were more articles.

Deleting dozens of negative comments. What a terrible look. I hope you at least screenshotted them to give to Ford in the post-campaign report.

Yeah that’s fucked. What did they expect, leaving comments open on a sponsored post?

Wow. Deleting the majority of reader comments on a “Jalopnik” article doesn’t look good at all. Bad optics on this one.

Nothing makes a new model sound like it’s probably bad than paying for advertorial bullshit like this rather than earning actual good reviews...also, remember when G/O blogs used to criticize sponcon like this? At least it’s reasonably well marked as such, but big yikes.

This is really, really squicky.
While I don’t necessarily consider Jalopnik to be “hard journalism” I do respect the passion and rigor that the writers show in even the more light-hearted stories (Torch’s recent polemic on Delorean tail-lights, for instance...) This advertainment really puts all your reporters’ work in

“It’s a fast, sleek sports SUV”

Ads shouldn’t look like articles. https://gizmodo.com/netflixs-sweet-tooth-advertorial-in-usa-today-was-beyon-1847049426

#deadspinforever you chickenshit motherfuckers

That’s 100% what’s happening. They can’t be bothered to fix the comment sections though.

Ballsy move leaving comments enabled on a sponcon post.

Yeah I’m not gonna read this

lol looks like shit

Those billionaires sure need defending dude! Not like they’re actively harming the rest of us or anything!

This is the dumbest bootlicking take. Billionaires existing literally do affect each and everyone of us, from money for schooling, to absurdly low pay, to infrastructure, to our ridiculous medical system. (Oh you got a brain tumor, well you can either die or go into bankruptcy. Guess how I know.) Let’s take Bezos, for