
I went to the grocery store and one of the things I bought this morning was jerk chicken flavored potato chips. I love random flavored potato chips. IDK why. But I buy them whenever I find them.

And if he were a fictional character I would take issue with the lack of subtlety in naming the character.

Tom Cotton is like a fucking parody name for a South Park racist, or something you fight at the end of the Putrescent Plantation zone in Darkest Dungeon.

The anger is over a basic aspect of functionality being deliberately excluded. 

$722 would buy a lot Uber/Lyft rides.

So he’ll be in solitary forever, right? Or as long as he’s in prison, I guess.

Can you imagine driving from the Panama Canal to something like Cape Town or Edinburgh? Talk about a MF’ing bucket list item.

You’re responding to an author who regularly has articles about obscure tail lights... Your point doesn’t land well here.

Hey no one is forcing you to stick around, or click on the article, or comment multiple times.

Did it take the fire department four hours to put out the fire from that crash?  Was there nobody in the driver’s seat?  Can you see how the two are different?

Violent splinter group. 

Love hotel.

as an Old who doesn’t speak emoji... what am i looking at here: 🏩

Who *doesn’t* have a library full of UFO books?

You have reached your destination.

They can make whatever they want as long as they keep renewing the batshit joyfest that is Legends of Tomorrow.

Alternate headline:

I don’t know why, but the shots of the firefighters watching him fly overhead made me the happiest. I literally laughed out loud at how much fun that was.

I’m a cis man, but I find even the concept of TERFs so infuriating. I mean, if you really gave a shit about gender equality and protecting women then are you going to focus on the huge percentage of men who are actively keeping women from equality, or on the tiny fractional percentage of individuals who just want to