
“Dunder Mifflin Chevrolet, may I help you?”

Big ups to Dr. Obeng and Mr.Farinah! I am so glad people with the expertise and the ability to actually help Ms. Brown have stepped up! The internet has run her through the ringer over this. Bless her heart. I can only imagine the pain and suffering she’s been through from attempting to remove the product itself, much

Screw that. Keep him locked up until trial. When a cop drinks, drives, and does double the speed limit in a residential area, I don’t then afford them the trust to take them at their word when they say they won’t continue to drink, drive, or both.

It’s OK, he agreed not to drink and drive.  So I’m sure there’s no way this will ever happen again, apparently the only problem was nobody told him that before.

conscious and breathing but in a lot of pain” is how I describe myself 30 seconds after waking up. I am not enjoying getting old.

Did you spot the other big mistake? It appears to be made out of some sort of fabric instead of metal.

Shiny plushie?

I am wildly confused by this whole situation. She says it’s been a month since she glued her hair down, but it’s still sticking flat to her head? In a month has her hair not grown at all? Has her scalp not shed any skin flakes? Shouldn’t she have a weird slick helmet on top of new growth and dandruff?

The reports I’ve seen said that around 25 people were killed in total from all the protests. The MAJORITY of them were... protestors.

Detroit Diesel. Make it scream louder than people who scream ‘Blasphemy!’

Cummins 4bt swap. Make it loud, heavy and slow.

No shit. Went to the trouble of embedding multiple links to support my argument on something over on Jalopnik and it did exactly what you describe. When I went to edit the post, it appeared correct. As soon soon as I hit Publish, back to fucked up.

No, that’s too sensible.

They are! Thanks a lot, Herb!

Just an FYI but kinja now breaks embedded links, removing the link and putting the words the link is embedded to at the start of the comment.

  • Possibly has a very small risk of turning into an arc welder.

Now that you mention it... before I moved it was sitting directly next to a cat tree for over a year.

I once worked on a computer that was utterly filled with cobwebs. The kicker? It had a clear side panel, with a dead spider just chilling right in the center of it.

you got ripped off.

Thanks and I’ll try to be around to do more stuff on here, maybe even some race car things.