What’s its Nurburgring lap time?
What’s its Nurburgring lap time?
The apology doesn’t sound like anything written by him, because it wasn’t written by him. That has PR firm lawyer-speak all over it. The most he did was sign off on it being posted.
Anything besides “give the rich people everything they want” is commie socialism
“Only old people and people with weak immune systems have died from it,” he said. “If you eat fattening foods, don’t work out and don’t take care of your body, it is going to be hard to fight it.”
The other day a customer came to the restaurant wearing no mask and also had his fly unzipped, which really feels like a whole mood.
And more importantly, are you the poster from back in the day on Gawker and Splinter who used to post by the name “dave”? Because if you are and have changed your account name, if I recall you were a former LEO. So if you are that particular “dave”, make sure to show your bona fides to iceman295, and then tell him to…
It’s a website, not an airport. No need to keep everyone posted about your departure.
growing number of law-enforcement related incidents in communities of color
wow. Any ex-Karma designers out there with horse sketches?
I finally remember the design bosses name, it was alexander klatt. This guy was really something, I wasn’t to fond of him as when I was still working there he kicked me out of the design studio, apparently engineers weren’t allowed in there. Anyway, long story short, everything that came out under him was really bad,…
The true problem here is children. Stop having them. They cause nothing but pain and are the main motivator for buying an SUV. I think the experienced parents will get behind me on this.
The law he “created” already existed. He’s just directing attention to it. It’s also only applicable on Federal property and for statues marked as “veteran memorials.” In other words, he still hasn’t done shit during his term except makes things worse.
I know, but still, I like to hear the lies people come up with to avoid saying the real answer.
I think we all know the answer.
Why do the count Canada and not Mexico. They are both part of North America and the USMCA. I fail to see how Canada is considered American and Mexico isnt.
The North American continent, excluding Mexico apparently.
Falcon wing doors. We’re not allowed to hunt falcons here.