
The crane is Ross Perot. 

He already is 

They seem to already believe that.

It’s been clear from the start of his presidency that Trump is controlled by the last person he talks to...”

Ugh why are all campaign people so cringe on Twitter. 

Anytime he uses a 2+ syllable word in a subtly racist way, I 100% assume it’s fed to him by Stephen Miller.

Can we please start just calling them gig economy advertisers? Or anything more accurate and less conveniently obfuscating than influencer?

Wooooah Rob Ford has a brother. 

While everyone practiced social distancing, they allowed criminals to gather in large groups and steal from stores while at the same time destroying cities. So it’s not OK to go see your friends for a birthday party, not ok to go to a concert or a bar, but it’s ok go hater in large groups to perform criminal

My family and I have been staying home and avoiding contact with other people to protect my parents.”

Well he does love getting photoshopped.

Ah ok, it makes more sense now how he managed to lift his foot just enough to drag it over the incredibly low bar republicans have set. 

Actually it’s a self propelled gun. TOTALLY different (but like not really). 

In case anyone is wondering what a pedal bike bar is,

It’s not nearly enough but it’s nice to hear Lamar Alexander actually say trump not wearing a mask is bad.

Your selfishness and stupidity is literally killing people. 

Scared of poo but love racism? There’s a hypocritical app for that!

At this rate, the pandemic is on track to be longer lasting and responsible for more deaths than the Confederacy.

Betelgeuse needs to work on its skin care regimen.