
Do you think that politicians should be able to lie on Facebook, or should the company be held more accountable in an era when politicians have weaponized information to erode the principles of liberal democracy?”

I haven’t seen anything, but if someone does put something like that together it’ll likely end up posted here-> https://splinterrip.kinja.com/

It was an honor just to be nominated. 

Big ol +1 to all that.

I just want to take this opportunity to say to any current or former GMG writers who might read comments while they still exist...

CRAP this mess is bad bad bad

Ugh I noticed I couldn’t leave a comment on the “Candies to stress eat” post (which was 10/10 good sports writing btw) but I assumed it was just a case of Kinja weirdness.

I’m waiting for the “Xtreme Super Unlimited Oligarch Limitless” plan.

Here’s all the shit we really couldn’t cover today:

“...it will deliver food via drone to a central staging area and that Uber drivers in cars will pick them up and ultimately deliver the package to your door.”

My guess is extraterrestrial rendition.

Appreciate the thought out response to my joke-y and pretty dumb comment (even though all that logic and facts stuff makes my comment less funny, still appreciated).

So how is this supposed to play out in terms of like, getting votes, which is presumably the goal..?

This is very unsurprising to me considering how many scooters I see every time I go outside. On an average day I see;

“...various campaign ads featured buttons that a user might think is interactive, but weren’t.”

I wish he was a gamer, that’d be preferable to him using twitch to fear-monger and do an impression of an FBI agent orgasming (Ugh I cant believe I’m not making this up)

Twitch has a zero-tolerance policy against hateful conduct”

No need to dig or resort to dirty/dishonest tricks like the republicans. Trump is a self-admitted sexual assaulter, very likely a serial rapist, and tells easily disprovable lies basically every time he opens his mouth. Democrats just need to remind people of all that, like, a lot.

Turbo* Porsche* SUV*

Currently writing from Texas, where Diet Dr. Pepper flows freely from the tap!”