
If you can’t step on a few acorns you can’t be a competitive barefoot runner. You can still run barefoot if you want though, just uncompetitively.

Your mistake was forgetting that the answer is always Miata. 

This is 10,000 times more metal than suing Napster. 

Oh, didn’t realize it was already a thing on the other model. Also just googled it and seems like there’s only one viewfinder option; no cool options like the old canon f1 and Nikon F5 finders :(

Is that an interchangeable viewfinder on the Fujifilm? 🤤

F1 hillclimb would be awesome, F1 drag race would be fascinating, and F1 rally would be hilarious. 

Until they can load them self’s and go into apartment complexes, these are far from fully autonomous delivery vehicles. 

I think the problem is that an invasive species can spread about a zillion times faster than a native species can evolve any useful advantages against them. 

The tires are definitely the limiting factor”

Ugh yeah no thanks. I just want a phone that’s less than a billion dollars, less than 9ft wide, and with less than two cameras. 


I know this is the wrong takeaway from this story but I’m realizing how many people potentially have videos of me ringing their doorbell...

4-6 million for a low mileage RS Spyder? That sounds like a steal. Screw you Bugatti and Pagani, I found my new daily driver.

Brb gonna go beat your laptime (:

Itd be so awesome if they make an updated version of the 45mm f2.8 for this.

I was referring to Texas in general; I know there’s plenty of farmers here, but they seem to be mostly in the flat non-drivey parts.

True but I think flat out racing on the huge highways and weblike interchanges would be pretty not boring. And it’d have to be rally cars because those highways would destroy any other racecar.

I don’t know much about rally but the hill country, the desert out around Marfa, and the streets of Houston all seem like great places to go really fast in a rally car.

Fun fact; you can hallucinate with all your senses. 

“Jason (to me): Dude, are you okay? You’re sweating a lot.