
Tbh I was most interested in that fancy lead pellet. Do they need a special machine to make it? How big is it? Is it round?

Sometimes I hit the “ETC Snow” button and pretend it’s launch control. It totally works I promise.

Id love a build of the week post on racing vespas. Cause I’m assuming there’s some creative suspension/engine/weight shenanigans going on. Unless this is run as some kinda spec series (which I doubt.. bc jumps).

For those of you who don’t know what a kilogram is...

We are finally safe from underwater bats. 

IMHO the biggest/only design flaw of the Casio F-91W is TOO MANY buttons.

It’s sounds like... RACECAR!!!

So like I totally get the practical-ness of the spikes, but also like...

+1 for the Ronsonal

What kind of reaction do you get when doing burnouts in the Whole Foods parking lot in this thing?

Lab grown organs would be super neat, but I think an opt-out instead of the current opt-in system would be a lot better.

I just love the difference between the people in the car’s reaction and the commenters reaction

Keep Austin Wheelies

All race cars should be street cars and all street cars should be race cars IMHO

The front view (like in that video thumbnail) of it looks great/amazerfull/almost as cool as an MR2!

How fast can it go over a speed bump?

Getting the numerical portion could help someone find out exactly where you live IF they already know an approximate location. But if they pay your bill maybe it’s worth it..?

If you’re saying worms=wine... I agree 100%