
Hurts justs as much to step on as regular brick.

If I was a defense attorney and got this case, I would probably just walk into the courtroom, ask the jury to put my asshole client in jail, and then switch careers.

I just found stats that say 15 for the tires and ten for fuel. So essentially you would have to stop every ten minutes to fill up the tank and spend $42,000 on new tires. So thats roughly 3 hours of driving time, 18 stops for gas, 468 gallons of fuel (which from what I understand, would cost about a dollar a gallon in

According to my very rough calculations, you would spend $945,000 on tires alone.

Can someone calculate the cost of driving the length of number 5 at top speed in a Veyron? I know the tires and fuel dont last long at top speed, you'd probably need $50k just for tires. Damn.


Its fucking beautiful.

I wasnt trying to say "I hate all skiers!!!!" As long as you dont cut me off on the hill, you can be shredding on an inflatable whale for all I care.

As a snowboarder, I really really love watching skiers crash.

If you don't like it then why the hell are you here? Who is making you read this blog? Is he or she holding a gun to your head? Tell me where you are, I will contact the police for you.

Sounds like you'd be happier at a pornographic website, this however is a tech blog.

I would trade this ability for the ability to wear a different scarf everyday without being judged.

The way the door mirrors are within the front view profile is really nice. It would look perfect from the front if the head lights didn't look like a computer screen from a 70's sic-fi movie.

Next year I will be lining up outside Waffle House. Feel free to participate at your local franchise.

Using a fingernail gesture sounds promising, but knuckles... not so much. That requires too much hand/wrist movement.

How dare you bring pizza into this

The comparison you make using music and acting is invalid. Writing is an art form, and so is performance. They are separate forms and therefor someone can play or act out what someone else created and, because of the performance aspect, it is still valid as art.

iMessage or US Postal Service.

I'd go with an open wheel car, just because its so obviously not supposed to be on the street. Can you imagine how much people would freak out whenever you passed them?