

Who knew that voting for the Republicans who have been so transparent about not caring about taking away our freedoms and raising our taxes and cutting our access to education and health care would end up destroying the internet?

lol... yeah probably with all this publicity he going to just get a lot new subscribers. So in the end they just did him a favor actually.

Most likely it’s the type of person who likes to feel important. I’d wager he did work at EA and possibly still does but not for EA directly. It’s probably a contract job as the two fields covered in the story was data entry and QA...many of those positions are just contract. This would also jive with why Jason

He never stated the final time kept was a week. He stated, at a point in the article, it had been a week. Then, obviously, more time passed. Later in the time line “one morning” came to be, and then it was returned. The final amount of time was never stated, but clearly at least one more day.

You could add my gym membership to the end of that list.

You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”

On the other hand, why should I give two shits what right wing publications think about anything whatsoever?

This was a perfect response. In the whole Me Too wave yesterday, I thought the outpouring of shock and awe from many men on my Facebook was so disingenuous. If you’re counting cat calling and shit like that, just about every women in existence can say Me Too, and everyone’s all “I had no idea? How can I help?” You

When you have your one-in-a-million dream job in a cutthroat industry I can imagine it’s very difficult to step up and go to bat against the person who can crush you like a bug in defense of a victim who’s not in your circle of family or close friends.

one he made in his post!

He could’ve taken the same tack many others are and said, “I had no idea! This is terrible and shocking!” Instead, he says what should be said, and he (appropriately) calls himself out as well. I give someone a lot of props for acknowledging what he did wrong and why.

I’ll keep the words smaller next time around. I’d hate for you to fall behind.

“Once they’re registered, they start a process where, over a period of time, they contribute a percentage of their pay (before any taxes or benefits are deducted) from legal employment.”

Ugh! If only there was some other way to find out what people think about Destiny 2 on the internet.

I’m going to post this verbatim on every other kinja site regardless of topic.

I dunno if it’s super consistent even between players. My friend and I basically did public quests/regional chests/lost sectors from start to mid 270's, I have 250 shards and he has 50.

400 is pretty high, Ive been playing all week and have about 160 right now. Try and do your milestones and the heroic public events are a good place to farm. Even the raid seems to have really high purp drops, we each had two of them before we even passed the 2nd phase.

I keep waiting for the world to realize she can’t act. She really stinks.