
Not sure why you’re being starred for this when it’s utterly entirely wrong. The gap between pros and laymen for Hearthstone isn’t as pronounced as in some games, but it’s there. The difference between pros and laymen in games like CS:GO or Overwatch or DOTA 2? Huge, absolutely huge. Obviously some ‘pubstars’ exist,

Holy crap is this a nuclear take. Does it occur to you, oh paragon of the Free Market, that a supermarket has already written off its entire stock? If the power’s out for as long as it has been the entire damn inventory is no longer able to be sold, it would be thrown out either way. But hey someone somewhere is

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

I’m no casting director, nor do I have a Hollywood rolodex. But I do know that Asian actors, you know, exist. It’s not terribly difficult to cast an Asian dude to play an Asian part. It’s simple racism to whitewash the role.

That is what special effects make-up is for. I mean, it isn’t like during the process of fucking him up properly they can’t tone down any handsome/boyishness. They definitely should have tried harder. Especially with the recent whitewashing controversies.

You’re right. Some of them were just really tolerant of racism, as long as it wasn’t against them.

63/323=.5. Learn something new everyday!

Yeah but, per usual, Black Women are the only folks doing it because nobody else will.

“The passenger indicated he understood why it happened and actually apologized to the officer.”

Come. Join me in the not the target audience lounge. We have good coffee and heart healthy muffins.

I started to compose a snarky, ironic post in support of her, but I just can’t.

I’d say it seems like she is in the wrong in her interactions with these studios, but where do people get off justifying harassment? Isn’t your comment, at the very least, the pot calling the kettle black?

She’s absolutely terrible but an online stalker/harassment campaign is worse.

Blizzard servers get DDoS’d: No big deal

Are you typing these takes pants-less while wearing a Herman Moore Jersey?

Well then you’ll be angry and one handed, but at least you’ll be full.

But I don’t wanna use Vaan... :(

Well I adored the show..the dialogue is hit or miss but I’ve been watching anime for the better part of 25 years. Clunky dialogue doesn’t shake me much. It did feel very...Whedon-like. Depending on how you like Whedon that could be make or break. Castlevania very much reminded me why I hated the 2016-17 Berserk

It’s fun, man. Don’t listen to these dummies repeating that ancient “the game plays itself” criticism. It’s a lot of fun to tweak your gambits and see how your party does.

And she was more fun to play too! At least in my opinion anyways.