I get to be a gun-slinging space Socialist?
I get to be a gun-slinging space Socialist?
Innovation us THE most important thing. No one wants a game to not improve and "innovate". This could be minor things. The issue is when there is zero innovation whatsoever.
Personally, this is just my opinion, I am not right and have no skin in the game make no excuse for it. Why pay 60 for the same thing is a great question? I am just saying what I had quoted up top,, maybe this is just for the fans? *shrugs*
Which would be okay..if it was a game that followed a two year gap after the last borderlands game. The fact that seven years after BL2, BL3 is just more BL, in a world where the game community has moved on—yeah I can get people knocking the game for being more of the same.
It is bonkers that Homecoming shows up nowhere, despite legitimately being one of the great live albums ever recorded. Otherwise, it’s been a really solid year for music, and this is a good reminder of that.
Why the fuck anyone would wanna work with Woody Allen is beyond me. Fuck that guy.
And how much mayo do you need to drop to break the console?
“And I dropped mayo on my PS4 last year so I also needed a replacement.”
Everyone who was burned by Bethesda with Fallout76 cheered in unison. Not gonna lie, I need this game in my veins
Ugh. I’m not fan of that whole, “Here’s a large cast of characters but you can only use half at any given time because reasons!” gameplay trope. With Final Fantasy/jrpgs games being the absolute worst offenders. But it looks fun though and I like me some XCOM action.
>All I’ll say is I’m now even more glad I returned my copy to Best Buy earlier today.
You have the reading comprehension of a turtle if you think that they retroactively cancelled released DLC.
Associating free birthers with established, safe home birthing is wrong-headed and misinformed. And I am glad your attitudes don’t prevail where I live.
I had a guy (probably the same) ask me for help because he was lost. I was on foot, but got on my horse and came back, and accidentally bumped him with my horse. He freaked out and ran away, so I shot him.
I think you should just hope Sony comes back with: Playstation classic: RPG Edition.
So glad you’ve been relieved of the burden of playing this game. Thanks for sharing this critical update with your fans.
I didn’t know having a small cohort of gay and trans friends who are the “right” kind and have beliefs that align with you means you can be an arbiter of discourse about people’s lives and human rights.
Oh so he’s also a racist piece of shit too.
Say it with me now: