
Hence, it’s a false equivalency - the comparison portrays them as equal, but in reality they aren’t. My comment pointed that out.

Is there a point hidden somewhere in here, or are you just noodling philosophical about how people should ignore statutory rape because sometimes laws are arbitrary?

In situations that risk great harm I’m okay with resorting to arbitrary rules decided upon via consensus in place of seemingly impossible laws/systems that adequately address granularities.

You’re better off calling Ben and Jerry. Might even get a pint out of it too.

Agreed. Every website on traveling and if problem arise instructs you to captures names, tel#’s, emails addresses and whatever, the more documentation of a customer service problem, the better.

The victim, as far as I can tell, was simply asking for anonymity... not for the story to be kept secret.  If she didn’t want her story out, what would be the point of sending it to Feinstein?

That’s pretty much the line of 90% of the greys and I expect more to come streaming on in over the weekend, lol. Michael never fails to give folks a case of the vapors. He could and should be hired on by a university to teach a doctorate class on how to make hit dogs holler in under 1000 words.

You don’t understand. They voted for Obama twice. Why isn’t that enough for you people? 

Saying a FF game won’t make money just because you personally didn’t like it, isn’t really backing it up. Just about everything FF makes money and thats why they can charge so much for mobile ports etc. 8 did fantastically well, and while not quite the success 7 was, it was still a success. It still has a huge

S’all good; I edited my response to go off what you said. \o/

It’s always a careful balancing act between catering to the PVP crowd and the PVE/Just let me do my own thing crowd, but....it’s not like other games haven’t figured out how to do it.

There’s a huge difference between PvP and Griefing people, and many other MMOs have figured out how to limit the latter from completely turning the former into a clusterfuck of Not Fun for the majority of their playerbase.

This could all be solved by having different lobbies you are able to join. Private, PVP or PVE.

“The massively multiplayer aspect of a massively multiplayer game is functionally ruining the game as a massively multiplayer experience.”

That’s absolutely true, but they belong to an often shady “brotherhood” that frequently places generating revenue above the health and safety of the public, and maintains a culture that shields its worst members of any repercussions from their bad acts, regardless of the severity (up to and including murdering

No one really cares what cops want to do, they care about what cops actually do.

Nobody should be banned for exploits unless those exploits are actively hurting or taking advantage of other players.

Freshman year of college me and my roommates went out trying to bond. 6 of us total and I was the only black girl, four of the girls are white and the other girl was EA trans racial adoptee w/ white parents. They went on and on about all the shit they used to steal and from where. I was quietly listening, and then one

I banned Papa John’s from the house after eating my first slice of Papa John’s. 

Rich Kid at School Who Treats Everybody Like Shit Doesn’t Understand Why Nobody Wants to Eat Lunch With Him