Anyone remember the Getaway?
I love this game, but it’s also a ridiculously frustrating game.
I keep forgetting this game exists, and I’m stoked that it’s coming out on PS4 as well. This resurgence of isometric rpgs has been long over due.
wtf people still play this game?
Yes, in the 6 minutes since I posted that, you made two posts on Kotaku and somehow had two conversations with real women (and took a minute to reminisce on your fun-filled weekend, no doubt). And look at all the details of these conversations you’ve provided! Honestly, you sound like such a rock star, I don’t even…
Have you ever considered a spa day?
I’m grateful that you’re actually acknowledging that the demo this weekend was an alpha or pre-alpha build. There are so many commenters on game news sites acting like the tech test was a full-feature beta and it’s just the end of everything! So many features removed! OHMYGOD! Did nobody else actually read the…
I really like the alpha test, the time flew really quicky so I was having a lot of fun, to be a pre-alpha it seems solid so far, hopefully the will have a better use of the titans in the future.
Fuck your sexist garbage comment.
I called 31 GameStops and they all said this wasn’t true.
Meh pass on this. After a year, all the collectibles will not be worth anything and will sit in my closet collecting dust. Plus, 270$ can buy 4-6 games
The problem is people paying exorbitant sums of money for games that they have no idea the quality of.
You can be married to a black woman and still be a racist. It happens a lot. Viewing an entire racial or ethnic group as inherently inferior while simultaneously viewing them as sexualized fetish objects is a basic component of racism. Just ask Thomas Jefferson.
I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.
I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.
Cheating Kaitlyn used an exploit to fake a legendary! Sad!
Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,…