Once again on Kotaku, the top comment is someone who didn’t read the article. :(
Once again on Kotaku, the top comment is someone who didn’t read the article. :(
Don’t make yourself look like a self entitled idiot, read the fucking post. It’s causing disturbances in traffic, emergency services, and overall peace in the neighborhood the park is located. This has nothing to do with “older generation”.
I love the responses to this that are so blindly in the defense Pokemon that they completely ignore the fact that this is actually causing disturbances.
Wow, people who keep doubling down every time they’re wrong are rare. You should come by my place and play poker.
Your stupidity is astounding
Not really how the game works. A pokestop by itself isn’t really special - just a place to get items or occasionally set an item that draws a pokemon to it every few minute. People specifically seek out clumps of them so that they can stagger it - collecting items from one every five minute means they get to collect…
I’m really surprised (yet happy) to hear this. I’d personally say Lucio is not only the best support in the game but one of if not the best character in the game, in my opinion of course.
If only.
That...doesn’t automatically nullify any criticisms. :-/
Oooooor! We could get over *ourselves* and think about other people for once.
You sound stupid and like you don’t know how to read, chill. That’s not what I was saying at all.
The option to keep playing w/ cool people is a great idea. HotS and OW both suck at letting you do this.
Unless you can turn around and sell your in-game rewards for a real world monetary value, other games are not doing the same. With Overwatch winning a skin is only worth-while to use in-game. With CS GO, many people betting don’t have any intention of using the skins they buy, they just want to gamble in hopes of…
Your comment is insulting and disgusting. Would you tell a man to smile in his profile pic? I am confident that you would not, so maybe cool it with the sexist drivel.
I don’t know why, but people who say things like, “You should try smiling in your profile pic.” piss me off. It sounds so smug and condescending. She is a fucking adult, with agency over her own life, and doesn’t need your gormless ass telling her what her profile pic should look like. Good day, sir. I said good day!
Another time I logged into a game with three Bastions. So I also chose Bastion. As did the next two people who jumped in...
Long story short, there were gears everywhere and it was mercifully brief.
BUT one of the weird things I have found is that people who do strange things like that will eventually try to play like…
Individual ranking should be based on individual performance.
I played the competitive mode a lot in the last few days. 4 of my 10 ranking matches had a player on my team drop out halfway through and since it doesn’t add a new player we were just utterly screwed. I then had one match where I got slammed into a group of 4 friends and the one other guy on the team wouldn’t switch…
Quick play will always be there for you.