
Glad I didn’t pick up Oreshika yet!

Hardy is great but Paul Anderson’s Arthur Shelby is the performance of the show, for me.

Apparently you do, you friendless lunatic.

Your illiterate, ignorant, misspelled babble made anyone who read it stupider for having read it.

Honda was not in SF1 or SF3

I reeeeally hate Torbjorn’s turrets. The split second you poke your little toe out of cover, they just snap right onto you with pinpoint accuracy while Torbjorn pulls his bullshit Molten Core on everyone. Give them a little bit of tracking delay for Pete’s sake, that’s all they need.

When a single character forces a whole team to change its comp, it says a lot on design flaws to be honest. “You will die unless you precisely do X, precisely pick Y”, I think it doesn’t belong to OW’s general design philosophy. Turrets are not op, they’re just sucking the fun out of everything else the game has to

Girlfriend, there’s no universe in which Overwatch can objectively be called terrible. I realize all your friends have moved on from it, and they’re so cool and special for realizing what a piece of shit it is, but you’re just wrong. Sorry.

Just another stupid white person trying to blame minorities for their short comings.

This is an insane year for Square.
World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest VII, FF XV, I am Setsuna, Star Ocean V (publishing), Kingdom Hearts 2.8 likely, plus what has already come out in FF Explorers and Bravely Second. Then there is all the other major RPGs too from other developers like Trails of Cold Steel II and Shin

What’s a vita?

Yep, that’s right, I’m the one that let it happen. Never mind the other five people on my team. I appreciate you thinking I can take on an entire team by myself though. It’s a real ego booster.

Hopefully they set it to where you can’t choose multiple of the same character

MEI IS THE BEST, congrats on getting banned from kotaku

This looks like one of those god awful free to play multiplayer games you find littered around random website ad banners like GunZ

There are so many games where bastion gets it by hiding somewhere near the spawn and getting three quick kills at the beginning before the team figure out were he is.

Sometimes the worst punishment is not prison. Don’t get me wrong, a six months sentence was far too kind, but I think it’s not the only punishment a person can endure, and right now his life is ruined. His family is ruined financially and they’re asking for money to cover their attorneys, he can’t do what he loves

Personally I would have preferred a loot system that weights, even just a little, towards rewarding you with items for the characters that you play the most. I have one character in each class I am pretty good at, but it sucks that most of the unlocks I have received go to characters I never want to play or rarely