Boy I can’t wait to hear the non-Destiny playing crowd on this one:
Boy I can’t wait to hear the non-Destiny playing crowd on this one:
Fuck the other team. BETTER DEAD THAN RED
And yet they’ve failed to implement the one improvement that really matters. Why is Vaan still here?
They showed the Ibuki trailer, they are not going to talk about the possible Evo ban because nobody outside of SF players cares if an unreleased character gets banned at one tournament, you can go to an actual fighting game site for that, everyone else will cover Evo when Evo actually starts. Other than that there are…
There’s nothing more pathetic than a cheater complaining that something isn’t fair.
You know that little check box that says “I’ve read and accepted the terms and conditions”? Well, it’s a kind of a contract you sign, which cheaters breach and thus lose their right to use the product. It’s as simple as that.
You basically just said:
I love the idea that these despicable people rushed home after plopping down $50-$60 on a brand new game and were instantly banned again. “I’ve spent $200 on this game, and I can’t play it! I just want to be able to cheat and feel superior to others while simultaneously ruining the game for everyone else. Is that too…
You know, just me, but when I peruse the stories on websites and come across one regarding a game I did not like, or just prefer something different...
Fortunately I purchased both, so I don’t have to plant a stick in the ground by my preferred game and trash the other.
Oh come on. His politics, his stances, his entire life condemns this kind of bullshit. It should be more than obvious that this is counter to everything he stands for.
Still already looks 10 times better than infinite warfare (which is very appropriately named seeing CoD never stops coming).
Soooo it’s a current gen Onimusha replacement until Capcom pull their heads out their anuses and give us a new Onimusha ?
I sound like I know what the fuck I want and have no reason to put up with what I don’t like.
important investigative questions that only will bring
I legitimately considered calling in sick to work today to play this. But then around 2:00AM I was on Steam and chatted with a friend and we realized we are adults and can no longer do that. Sigh.
If it ends up costing the same amount, this seems better to me. People can pay for the first episode to test if they like it,and if they don’t they can stop paying there.
Raphael is cool......but also kind of rude.
Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.
While messing around with a save game trying to take some nice screenshots, yttriumtyclief stumbled upon a…