
They really need to permanently separate weapon PvE attributes from PvP attributes. They keep bouncing back and forth between these stupid buffs and nerfs, undoing and redoing things a half-dozen times trying to make everyone happy, and it’s simply never going to happen. PvE players WANT to feel massively overpowered

You can spend your money to watch this fight live. Or you can wait an extra two minutes and watch it on YouTube.

Ever have a game with lots of characters and you imagine who is going to be your main guy? Then you get the chance to play the game and realize that you are terrible with that character so you have to sift through the others finding that one that fits?

Read the article did you

Could not agree more with this article. Power armor feels totally right in this game, and the method of introduction is suitably epic.

Yeah, but then you’d have to actually, like, attend a Trump rally. I’d rather stay home and scrub the bathroom floor with a toothbrush.

Rather than being upset at her, Trump supporters should be praising her and following her example. Maybe if more of them started reading, and learning about the issues being discussed in this campaign, they'd realize how wrongheaded the Donald's ideas are.

If I met this couple at an event or a dinner party, I would think they were nice people. They probably are nice people.

Yup. I mean if it were a couple paragraphs with little reasoning or basically quick write-ups for YouTube vids, or just an excuse to post a .gif with not much else, every day, then that’s a different story. But as-is, nah, it’s a beloved game by many, and there are going to be a number of posts about it ongoing

Yes, people are being charged $60 for a video game in 2016. Oh how will gamers bear this new economic burden?

If you’re gonna be horribly sexist, do it to the extreme! Paint the world with all the colours of the ass cheek... RAINBOW!

It took an entire TEAM to write that email.

If a game’s defense has to be a simple appeal to authority that ‘it’s not allowed to talk bad about it,’ then there might be something more fundamentally wrong about it. Just saying.

lol oh man so i wasnt the only one who thought it was shit? lol.. yeah it felt like it was trying to be Borderlands in a different setting... but failed big time... it wasnt witty... it wasnt fun... just give me borderlands 3 and ill be happy. even the graphics werent impressive.

I was never able to enter a multiplayer match. I wanted to, just couldn’t ever find a match. The co-op story mode was underwhelming and on the confusing side of the spectrum.

I gave it a try at a friend’s place, but it really isn’t very fun for me. I probably won’t look back at it unless it majorly changes. It needs to be delayed. With Overwatch now likely coming to consoles, they really need to step up their game, I’ve heard good things about that.

Doesn’t really have anything going for it. Very mediocre.

I always love these “Stars: Just Like Us!” things. I mean, seriously, what is Alexander Skaarsgard supposed to do with his effing groceries?