Or maybe Simmons told the editors to keep it quiet so they couldn’t be fired until they jumped ship, since they are at-will workers. No, no, that can’t be it. CLEARLY IT WAS A SIMMONS CONSPIRACY! NO ONE DENIES THIS!
Drunk drivers don’t have the intent of injuring people.
Yea! How is he supposed to know drunk driving is dangerous????
After a lot of deliberation, I’ve decided that I can’t do that. You all deserve an explanation as to why.
When the Super Bowl ends, the results are instantly broadcast on the front pages of thousands of websites around the world. The same goes for any other popular sporting event. Here’s a pro tip for eSports fans that get annoyed that websites like Kotaku “spoil” pro eSports events as they happen: stay off the internet…
This is like when my dad DVRs a football game and then expects no one else to know anything about it by the time we get home. Man will flip his shit on you if you so much as mention that a running back touched the ball. Infuriates me. Watch it live or watch the highlights and don’t bitch when I get excited that a…
Buying Silver isn’t even an option, as far as I’m concerned. I will never, ever even consider buying more emotes past the free one they gave us. They are completely unnecessary and not worth a single penny more than what I’ve already paid for the game to date.
I’m not sure if you understand how stealing works. Asking people to give you money in return for a very clearly defined product with an equally clearly defined limited life cycle is not, by any possible defitition of the word, stealing.
I can’t help but feel like Activision is partly to blame for this, although I think the fact that Bungie agreed to such a release schedule to begin with is foolish. But Activision has GOT to stop annualizing every damn thing.
Doesn’t Bungie remember the hell they went through with Halo 2?
Bungie is better off using the…
This is why we need legendary versions of blue armor. A lot of those pieces look great, but have no use in end game.
So you can’t search for communities because Sony is bewilderingly incompetent. Per Taurenrider, you can find the community by searching for a member’s PSN name and looking at their profile.
One last OT Destiny post:
“Thanks for asking that, Vanessa. I love it when my personal life and professional life collide, create turmoil, and breed animosity between myself and my co-workers. I mean, who doesn’t?”
That could be the case, as I’m always playing with my wife or brother, who are far below me as far as MMR is concerned. I don’t tend to run into these kinds of issues when my good friend an I play together, as we’re both in the top 5% according to DestinyTracker.com. That said, you should never, EVER be dropped into a…
hammer has got to get rebalanced for crucible. Unkillablev and undefendable (if that is a word)