
Even as a seven-year-old, I was so baffled at the drug lyceums my school would have where they claimed that drug dealers hang around the playground, give kids stickers with acid or LSD on them, and then the kids are hooked on drugs FOREVER! My allowance was $1 a week, I could not afford drugs. That’s just a horrible

You should comment less.

Isn’t that the point of an rpg? Going from lost soul not understanding the rules, to tough guy who gets around, to godlike force of destruction. Keep balance out of singleplayer games, i say. There is no point balancing something if there is no competition (that would have to be kept fair) involved.

I think it’d be pretty badass if you sometimes had to prove your mettle as leader of your community, or there’d be a revolt or something.

Considering that the leveling system was so much more organic and fluid in Skyrim than in Oblivion (raise your hand if you’re an obsessive like me who made sure to level a secondary skill corresponding to each trait at least 10 levels just to get the +5 at each full level up), this is a great thing. People who want

Oh you can access it, no problem. But does access guarantee victory or spoils? Hell no. The Lighthouse was a perfect example. Everyone could play. Not everyone made it.

Destiny, a social game all about saving the galaxy with your buddies that has absolutely no social tools to help you find buddies to save the galaxy with.

You can have that one on the house Jason Schreier.

I had a lot of fun with this one last night over 5 tries. We had a less than ideal group of 1 Titan and 2 Warlocks but managed to beat it by heading into the boss room with just under 7 min left. For us the key was good communication, target prioritization and staggering supers.

Such a shame they got rid of this. Me & my ex would play every time. Was tons of fun, and engaging, and just a great use of the platform.

So tempting. It sucks because I’ve been trying to do the raid blind without any guidance whatsoever, but it’s so hard to be online at all without seeing things about Destiny secrets everywhere I look.

(extension of Jason’s comment) ...like, at ALL.

I was legitimately overwhelmed by the amount of shit there was to do with TTK. Bungie fucking knocked it out of the park with this release. Period.

This is what I want. Fewer games that can be burned through or ravaged of its secrets immediately after launch by luck or, especially, by strategy guide.

Destiny’s critics all seem to share the same hive mind, repeating the same tired lines (“Destiny has a story!? See what I did? I’m so clever!”) People just need to jump off the Anti-Hype Train, and give the game a try. It’s so much better now!

Jason, can you just start a general LFG Column? Is that something one of us could do on TAY?

To be fair, “The Hartford Yard Goats” is a phenomenal name for a team.

Kirk and I used to say, as we were complaining together about Destiny (while playing Destiny) last fall, that we were still playing because we knew Bungie had built the foundation of something really great, and we had faith that they’d keep building and improving until they nailed it. Glad we were right!

That’s not extortion, just fraud.

Yeah, it’s called mute.

I’ve already made peace with this. I just cannot spend that much time on a game anymore like I used to (there is a single exception).