Davi Viana

I’m convinced his first editors wrote the best parts of Naruto and then Kishimoto didn’t know what to do with it. He can make interesting powers, but writing for children is something he should let go of. You should not teach girls to stick around guys who treat them like they don’t exist and you should not teach boys

You cannot have DLSR image quality with a tiny sensor. Most people would identify true DSLR quality from the ability to control depth of field, more than clean images. They may be able to increase sensor performance but it’ll still have that ‘flat’ look. Nothing wrong with that, the iPhone is the best pocket cam ever

Sonic CD intro movie Sonic is my favorite Sonic.

This kind of reminds me of how I expected Sonic 06 to turn out. So much potential...

Well, think of the chunk drawing that Minecraft does. Then add on actual physics, characters, more complex AI, shaders, particles, and most importantly POLYGONS!

As a 3D artist, I feel safe in saying that it’s probably an artistic decision. Distance fog hasn’t been a necessity since the PS2 days. We have proper LOD, mipmapping, and data streaming these days, among other more novel techniques. I get the impression that their graphics engine still has a decent amount of polish

“18 Minutes of Uninterrupted Gameplay”

Constantly cuts back to the guys playing/watching in the room.

A woman finds herself struggling to fight because she gets weak-kneed around other women. Okay, they have had storylines in the past where straight characters have had had issues with the opposite sex.

Why would two Jewish boys draw any influence from Jesus? Did you just make that up? Because they got their inspiration from circus strongmen and pulp fantasy books. Clark Kent’s name is an amalgamation of Clark Gable and Kent Taylor, two actors known for their handsomeness. And Lois Lane was based on Jerry Siegel’s

This being something having anything to do with DC, I’m sure there will be nothing but negative comments. But I’ve been really enjoying the first few stories with the new Superman.

The swastika symbolizes something to some people that doesn’t include racism or hatred either. Does that mean we should be flying it on public land?

Look, everyone! A non-sports, non-mobile, non-Star Wars EA game! It’s... it’s beautiful!

This game would be fantastic with Morpheus or OR.

no he/she isn’t. Shepard is a small part of a massive universe.

Great point about “Metal” though I haven’t seen it so i’m not sure how gimmicky the claim might be? Everything in Android runs through a VM though so iPhones always have had the upper hand in processing power clock for clock and that extends to the battery.

Neither has Google Wallet, 80% of Panera Bread mobile transactions are Apple Pay, Whole Foods had their mobile transactions increase by 400%. 50% of McDonalds mobile is Apple Pay. Google Pay is only becoming relevant because of Apple Pay, where was all the fuss over NFC payments before Apple Pay? How many retailers

Yes, Apple begins to work on something, and android hears the rumor and goes to market first with a shit version of it. Apple takes the time to do it right, and goes to market and blows the doors off android every time. Just look at the numbers. How many android phones are there? And iPhone is still half the market.

Android Pay is not “Google Wallet, improved”. Android Pay is Apple Pay, made by Google. System-wide support for fingerprint scanning was never available on Android, even though Android phones with fingerprint sensors have existed for a few years. Only after Touch ID proved successful was there any interest in