Davi Viana

Google glass nah. But in that Microsoft thing this might be awesome. We will never see it though because Nintendo.

I think they should go with the first one and give one big middle finger to great britain.

Wow, this game seems REALLY good in recreating the boringness of being on the road for very long periods of time with nothing to do.

Yeah, ^ this.

You know, BMI is totally dated and plain dangerous way to measure your health and fitness goals. You don’t know the amount of body fat, bone structure and muscular mass of someone just by sight. It varies from each individual in different times of its life and can only be determined by proper exams. Also, anorexia is

God no.

It’s funny how this would be all kinds of wrong for Mario, but for Sonic it kinda works. I feel way more comfortable in this kind of setting than in Lost World Mario-esque stuff. The sweet spot for me is stuff like Colors and Unleashed I guess.

People hate Man of Steel for 3 reasons:
1) They were expecting a somewhat closer update of the Golden Age Superman (that they were reminded of a couple years ago as Brian Singer did that very boring movie) and what they got was an unexperienced, humanized and flawed Superman.
2) Marvel showed us that colorful dumb

This list is wrong.

Best Regards,

Or a planet that has a complex civilization.

I’m brazilian. I’ve made an account there, I’ll amen you later if I remember the password. If you wanna tips for cursing just ask.

Thanks for your comment, you saved me the time to write all that. =)

I wish they were not called Beck and Call and that the Roll-esque girl there was radically different from the original, not just the same concept slightly swaped. Ya know: “Its a hat, but not the same hat. It’s spiky hair, but no the same spiky hair. It’s a light hair, but not the same shade.” It would be so fun if

Youre hot, mam.

Not all police hate Superman, but now they know he is Clark Kent they have orders to arrest him because, ya know, he has been a super powered vigilante that smashed buildings and stuff and took kinda took no responsibility for anything. Most people understand that he was just trying to help, but some people are going

I just really, really hate how obvious the Nolan brothers are with their symbolic storytelling.

I’ve been on real riots. People under tension behave differently. This is amazingly spot on.

“TRUTH” has been SO DAMN GOOD. It has put Superman storylines up there with Batman again. I feel I almost don’t want him to get his powers back.

fish - effeminate gay man.