Davi Viana

The right part of his body is slghtly unproportional, his face looks airbrushed and there is a crop mark in the middle of his neck.

Ugly. Next.

** Guy enters a bar. Starts talking to a hot girl.

Hi. I own a Mac. And a PS3.

I'm kinda tired off Apple Empire and wanted to Switch to something else. Everyone else makes it a very hard decision, though.

So, John Ive really wants to go home huh?

Chao Garden is a perfect social game. It would be a blast on Facebook or iOS.

Yeah, he would fit Barry Allen nicely! But when I think of barry i imagine him a little bit blonder...

And now... the Superhero Age! As Warner is placing all the money being given to HP to make DC movies from now on. I'm hoping for a Flash movie real soon.

I'm really amazed about how MS can be so great and so dumb. MS tried to launch Tablets before. Bill Gates was one who said he really believes the tablet form factor. They could have got this whole tablet thing ages ago. Why it didn't happen?

Tim, the hedgehog engine is awesome, Sonic is NOT a racing game (it's more like a high speed platformer) and Colors was one of the best Sonic games ever made, as were the day levels of Unleashed: the game was amazingly gorgeous and only sucked part werehog time. The idea of bringing modern gameplay (and not only the

But what if the Wii U does look way more interesting than current gen, with better graphics and unique gameplay? People say that Nintendo is playing catch up, but it's the other companies who rushed to launch clumsy motion control hardware that, till this date, failed to appeal as the Wii did.

This is genius, depending on the guts and price point. The Wii U can run all current-gen games - meaning that many of the developers will make cross-platform stuff - plus the 2nd screen ads so much possibility to gaming. It ads touchscreen to home consoles, witch is amazing. People with the Wii U will have no reason

I think the Nano is another category of device that differs from the iPhone. It is not a "Post-Pc" handeld computer thing (like other smartphones or the iPod Touch). And the Nano form factor hasn't changed that much if you don't count current gen - the only thing that changed a lot in the last 3 was the screen. 2004,

I tend to think that a major redesign this year is a bad marketing move as you don't want your consumers unsatisfied that their year old device is completely outdated. More than that - there is the whole ecology of products created for the form factor of the iPhone 4 - that's such a big deal that Jobs himself worried

I posted this elsewhere, but i will repost here so i can see what you guys think about... =)

What I meant by console is that it isn't portable. Didn't thought the console definition extended to handheld gaming devices.

Am I the only one that noticed that this is a Japanese console and that in Japan it is pronounced "View", refering to the dual screen stuff and that the whole we-you E3 speech was just gave to americans so that they don't think the name is very, very weird?

Am I the only one that noticed that this is a Japanese console and that in Japan it is pronounced "View", refering to the dual screen stuff and that the whole we-you E3 speech was just gave to americans so that they don't think the name is very, very weird?

That's the point. After 300ppi, there's no blurry/pixelated anymore. Just throw an image at 300ppi in a retina display and try to search for a pixel.