Tay Davis

I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet

I especially love that the rescue took the dog back from her. I guarantee you, this woman is the type of Karen who takes her dog into normally dog-free areas, and when people ask her to leave because it’s not a licenced service animal, she snaps back that “Don’t you know he’s a rescue? He’ll feel abandoned and have a

I’ve been putting it like this:

“You can’t fire me, I quit!”

I don’t do the drinking and driving thing, and often find myself as the DD, because I am the only one who can be counted on NOT to have a single sip of booze if I am driving. I usually stick with soda, except at craft bars. Ctaft bars seem to make their own elderflower lemonade, or the like, which is about the only

Oh, it’s that easy?  I really hope that everyone sees your post so they can just decide to stop living in poverty.

No, they are not. A lot of folks can’t just wish their way out of it, asshole.

Like any government program, it depends entirely on your definition of “fair.” We have all kinds of programs in this country that aren’t “fair.” Homeowners get a big tax break in my state, but renters’ tax breaks are limited by income. Why do 26-year olds get to stay on their parents’ health insurance but not 27-year

Also the fact that you can't ever get a reliable quote for medical services so you can plan. Just gotta hold your breath and see what they come up with.

Wife and I started at right above 300k in student loans.

I think avalanche is better because it's those high rates combined with large payoff amount which are murder on the finances. It's like throwing money in the toilet.

You are SO CLOSE to the end of the road and I’m a little jealous.

I’m not drinking or eating fast food this month, I expect to save approx $10,000 

Nice! I think I would be saving probably close to $300 a month, easy. Ill probably substitute it with snacks tho....I likes the salty snacks. Still going to end up saving some cash tho. 

However, don’t go cold turkey. You can seriously fuck yourself up if you normally have a high consumption level and cut back too drastically all at once.

And as someone who drinks occasionally, tracking my drinking is helpful and interesting to see - especially if I know that I’m going to be driving at some point, having an accurate estimation of my bac is important. And, being able to track data of my overall consumption gives me a better gauge to what degree I am

I think maybe the app goes useless as soon as one has a couple doubles - any further drinking is unlikely to be recorded.

VPN my friend.

Spike was so awesome!

So we’re just gonna leave fried rice out of the discussion?