he’s so damn charming. stupid sexy picard.
he’s so damn charming. stupid sexy picard.
An absolute class act of a human being. Him and his best buddy McKellen...
I’m still sort of bewildered that I missed the apparently 11-day window I had to see Ad Astra in the theater.
Because he’s a GREAT ARTISTE!!1!!
Although Bob Murray did lose a dozen miners in an accident caused by loose and shoddy safety standards at his mine. It just, y’know, wasn’t that particular mine.
Jesus Christ. I hadn’t heard Marianne Barnard’s story until now. That was two years ago and here we are again. Like, I get why this nasty old fuck is still shambling about due to statute of limitations, but why isn’t his shit considered toxic waste? Anyone have any insight into the French perception of the…
How not even remotely shocking
Why the fuuuuuck do people still support this monster?
Blankenship also coined the term “Cocaine Mitch” for a certain ratfucking Senate Majority Leader.
Thank you for reporting on this.
Even if there wasn’t a statue of limitations, I highly doubt charges would be brought. I’m glad she came forward.
No. That was Massey Energy, CEO was Don Blankenship. No less worthy of the “fuck him”.
Back when people read newspapers, people were advised not to pick fights with anyone who bought ink by the ton. The 21st Century corollary is: don’t pick a fight with a smart-assed satiric comic with access to AT&T’s corporate legal department (and budget) and a ready supply of Broadway dancers, musicians, camera…
I don't understand how it's not addressed the fact he married Mia's daughter, who was basically his daughter too. What else people need to believe Dylan.
Hmm... less Renner is better for everyone, but so is more Steinfeld. Should the show exist? My head hurts.
I think the guy playing Hawkeye is a potential problem for the Hawkeye show.
He didn’t say it did? He just said that’s why he liked it
Get Out was the first horror movie I ever watched (wait, second — I forgot about Blair Witch Project), and I loved it, mainly because of the social commentary.
Norton’s first film quoted John Updike’s observation about New Yorkers’ “secret belief that people living anywhere else had to be, in some sense, kidding.”
Keeping The Faith, a thoughtful and sweetly old-fashioned romantic comedy that radiated love for New York City...