
Control. They think they have it, and they’ll tantrum until hell freezes over to prevent any perceived loss of it.

What is with all these predators being the biggest fucking babies?

I’m struggling to see what your point is here. 

Yeah but their original statement made it sound like it was THEM who made Stuckless leave. Something about, “one of our customers heckled another customer so of course we asked them to leave.”

But now their Facebook page is down. Yesterday it was getting flooded with angry comments.

It is almost always hard to complain about current bosses, but a lot of the people in question are former employees, and they can get sued for talking about former bosses. Bosses definitely shouldn’t remain in control after the job is over.

That’s on the money, I think. 

Cool story.

Like we said, there’s a cathartic element to all of this

Or you know... It doesn’t matter because one is appropriately pissed?

cause people are gutless, greedy pricks who’d help anyone they think can help them.

Ah yes that old- be funny when you’re confronting a rapist. 

This is a shitty take.

Great focus you’ve got there, chief.

He was trying to protect the white male power structure, not Harvey specifically. Gotta keep that door cracked, y’know?

Downtime is doing damage control, put out a statement saying that they rented the venue out so it’s not their fault. My tablet hates me and won’t let me post the link but supposedly it’s on their Facebook and instagram.

I get why Weinstein wants to rehabilitate his image. What I don’t get is why so many people are willing to help him.

Andrew J. Silas is the name of the comedian who stood up and said, “I’d like to address the elephant in the room. Who in this room produced Good Will Hunting? ‘Cause that shit was great.”

I want names named for the people booing and yelling “Shut up.”

How dare people make the accused rapist scumbag feel unwelcome. Do they not remember his campaign to get Shakespeare in Love an Oscar?

downright rude