
What a dumb shit comment.

“But then why not just use the far cheaper Switch?!” you cry, somewhat belligerently. Well, I reply, yeah, there’s a lot to that. Except that I’ve fifty squillion wonderful PC games on my Steam account that have never had a Switch release, and I like playing them. Never mind the significant point that this is a much,

Man, I try not to be too blunt with these things, especially since some people deliberately act dumb for jokes but uh... no, he’s just dumb.

Really? In this day and age, you don’t see why a PAUSE FUNCTION IS NECESSARY?

Sounds like something a giant spider planning to drop down from the sky this summer would say. 

I tend to land on this side of the argument. If you don’t want something, don’t engage with it, but let people who do want (or need) these options have them.
It’s really just some extension of the difficulty conversation. And I think it is such a weird hill to die on. Nobody finds Doom on Ultra-Violence any less

This argument gets blown the fuck up when you see Elden Ring’s numbers and realize how many people’s enjoyment of the game (including mine) boils down to the fact you can always go someplace else if you get stuck on a boss. That was simply not an option for most if not all of the other From games

To be fair, i felt the same about you using a slippery slope argument for a pause function, so it’s nice you got the same experience.

Almost everybody disagrees with you. Your takes are dumb. Just stop already.

I mean, sure, if they want to add an easy mode it’s not like it’ll have any impact on anybody who doesn’t want to use the easy mode.

I think you missed his point....he’s trying to say if that’s the argument, for not including a pause, what’s the point of control remapping?

There’s no reply I can make that would be more effective than just asking readers to click your username and grab some popcorn. Just when you think you’ve had enough toxic fanboyism, BAM here come the pro-NFT posts.

Taking you out of the grays so folks reading in the future have an example of how pathetic the counterargument is. Yeesh, I wonder what it’s like to think you fart perfume.

It’s baffling how many dumbfucks think pausing a single-player game is, like, the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.

I’m usually pretty understanding of Souls fans who are so protective of their favorite series that they’re worried it’ll be ruined if it introduces new quality of life features, but y’all got serious brain worms if you think asking for a pause button is somehow unreasonable.

It’s not a big issue, but it’s worth asking the question: if they were just going to leave a work-around in the menus that allows you to pause anyway, why not just let people pause normally?  

When playing the game in single-player there’s straight-up no reason to not allow pausing that outweighs the fundamental user-friendliness of a pause button.

So I’m guessing you have neither pets nor children, but yes in fact. Allow me to introduce you to this entirely new concept called “Responsibilities”. Yes. Not being able to pause is in fact a problem.

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you actually dull enough to not get the absolute basics of why pausing is a good thing for games to let you do?

Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman arguably saves The Dark Knight Rises. She steals every scene she’s in and she’s sexy af. What you talkin’ bout, Willis?