
It makes too much sense that Connor Roy would be involved in this.

....Jaff Bezos’ Yacht just pumped $500-million into an industry that is currently suffering thanks to global product shortages and lack of cruise passengers.

You should have learned years ago not to form opinions on what tone of voice or body language might have been behind an interview, when you just read the write-up version of it in a gossip blog.

I hope rogue-likes/lites are relegated to the ash heap of history soon.

Sure it does, I mean the guy did push for O’neal to get her come up and demanded with her equal pay. He’s the arsehole though, for activision not being quick enough in that right.


“Shake hate’s chain off society’s brain”? Is Concannon suing on behalf of the 13 year old who actually decorated the jacket with a bottle of Liquid Paper?

Wait, you mean a top of the line current gen console is better than the entry level SKU of an almost 10 year old console? You don’t say...

Totally not on her side ^

If the purpose of a global looking for group chat is to find people to play with, and queer people need to find people who don't hate queer people to play with, then discussing their queerness is not off topic. Such discussion fulfills the purpose of finding people to play with.

Gay, trans, and other persons who don’t conform to CisHet-normative social constructs often face discrimination or violence in their daily lives. They shouldn’t have to face it in their daily lives, and they certainly shouldn’t have to face it in games that people play as respite and refuge from their daily lives.

Straight people “ramble about" their straightness all the goddamned time (casually mentioning their partners or crushes, making off-hand comments about the attractiveness of opposite-gender celebs, or whatever) and don't need to worry about getting banned or abused for doing so. Trans and queer folk deserve the

The real Wordle is entirely playable on mobile through the browser. It works great. What are you talking about?

You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.

Interesting how none of these points touch on what was said.

copyright isn’t real and if you snitch on this I hope someone hits you with a sock filled with nickels.

Please tell us what your job is so we can judge your value to society.

The Mootrix?

It was right there . . .

Love all the commenters signalling how they definitely do not know who Amo is and have never been on Twitch in their life. You’re so much cooler than the rest of us videogame blog readers

It’s not really a ban if it’s a “first ban” huh? If it’s temporary that’s a suspension.