
Crypto short form of Cryptology has been around for centuries... the study and deciphering of codes.... that can include racial and ethnic ones.....

Have you considered that maybe the folkloric depictions of goblins are, themselves, laden with anti-Semitic tropes

As a developer, it is not that difficult to deal with time at all. The problem is when developers want to save a byte here or there or make assumptions about the lifespan of the product and don’t grant enough memory to deal with changes (two number years in mainframe programs, for example).

Theyre not called “goalpost” in soccer. But it’s ironic that you’re moving the goal posts, in an argument about moving the goalpost. 

Now who’s moving goal posts? lol

Good grief, man... even within the same league, the size of a soccer pitch will vary from venue to venue. I’m “america” and even I know that. - Probably best if you move on to a different metaphor. 

Goalposts in the NFL changed just in the past decade:

COVID changes yet again.

God, the amount of effort it took me to get to the quote in paragraph two of this 316-word article was simply excruciating.

You are aware that there are multiple religions that prohibit shaving, yes? There are also methods to masking up securely with your beard intact (e.g. Singh Thatta Technique).

What happened to this car fits the vending machine model, since they also drop your purchase on the ground.

Yeah, it was great. Not understanding the hate. And same on 2 & 3. 

nicely said, hilarious that people think if they hate it everyone should hate and if they like it everyone should like it.  personally i don’t like chocolate - they are called preferences for a reason.

Good grief you only seem to comment to say how much you hate the site.

Nah, there was a scene where Nu Morpheus is showing Neo scenes from the previous movie projected on the wall and literally says this from the videogame you created and it’s just the movie footage.

And when I go down

I mean making anime refrences to joke about this isn’t in good humor.

You mean the argument about how there is ­literally zero evolutionary or scientific basis for our completely manufactured, entirely cultural, extremely recent, and utterly pointless puritanical views about the human body? Because that seems feels like a pretty good argument based on, ya know, biology, sociology, and

That is a different issue. That some judges let people off too lightly does not make mandatory minimums right. It means that there should be greater oversight on judges, and more means of rectification if they do consistently let certain types of criminal off too lightly. There are mechanisms for prosecutors to appeal

Mandatory minimum laws are obscene in all instances.