
And you’re not thinking nearly enough about the effect your words have on people. Continue on your day, but better.

Recognizing that you don’t know who’s who in a different domain (like K-pop) is very different from assuming you DO know, and they’re all the same person.

I mean, I always get Neil Young and Neil Diamond mixed up, but I never thought they were the *same person*.

You thought two people with totally different handles were the same person? Why?

Totally agreed. Halfway through writing this, it seems like Wodinsky forgot that the bill only requires offering the OPTION to avoid curation. You’re never forced into using a “worse” experience - you get to pick. How could that ever be a bad thing for the consumer?

As someone who has ONLY been viewing Facebook in “Most Recent” mode for years now, I can confirm that your reporting on this is buying Facebook’s disinformation extremely uncritically.

You totally missed the point - it’s showing you exactly what your Friends post, in order, but without curation it’s showing you a lot MORE content (on average) from Pages you follow that it was hiding before. The total volume of Friends content didn’t decrease - the overall volume of posts increased, making Friends

Way to intentionally miss the entire point of their comment. It’s clearly pointing out how white parents are losing their shit because their kids are learning about historical racism. Get your head out of your ass.

Wow, well if ProfitableVenture.com says it, it must be true! And must definitely be true for all gas stations regardless of location - it’s not like the value of property varies based on where it’s located. You really analyzed this well, super smart, A+.

Keep defending abusive shitheads - really tells us exactly who you are. Starting with: a fucking coward.

It depends on what kind of claims you made about the beans as the seller, and also what jurisdiction the transaction took place in. Different places have different laws governing fraud. But it’s illegal in a ton of places.

Okay, but do you really have a non-skeptical take about this particular “currency?” If so, I have some oceanfront property in Idaho you might be interested in.

Well since fans would be utterly crushed for there to be no Ed, I think it’s a safe assumption that if we’re to be delighted, Ed will be there. They’ve been cagey because they want it to be a surprise.

Intent” only has meaning to assholes looking to excuse their behavior. Literally no one gives a flying fuck about your intent (which, from the rest of what you’ve written here, is obviously to hurt other people as much as possible - shithead). People who are NOT sociopaths understand that effect is the only thing

Get people to stop caring about crypto, and you have a deal!

Showrunner confirmed Ed will be there and fans will be “delighted.”

Names don’t work that way, bruv. Literally no one is going to dig into the story behind their name. When you bail on a company under indictment for sexual harassment and your next venture is called “Notorious,” people are going to think exactly one thing.

Every coal roller IS, however, a fucking piece of shit who should be in jail.

That *is* how the Dismiss button works, though. It’s intended to allow posters to clean up discussions in the comments on Kinja.

The idea that any company can accurately determine “who the best person for the job is” is easily falsifiable bullshit. Companies hire people based largely on the biases of the people who do the hiring. Stop repeating the myth that a meritocracy actually exists. It’s a fake ideal that people in power use to cover up