David Trethewey

There is so much trigger in this one comment.

Fucking nazis are posting this article on twitverse in defense of Cville. I just... I can’t live on this planet anymore.

Unless your monitor is calibrated (and maybe even if it is) what you see on your computer is not really what the color is. That’s kinda how Pantone makes their money.

dmit they’re wrong on the internet and apologize? Because they’re a rare breed of people with integrity?

I just want the album.

It was those fucking krauts!

Fuck yo for that picture. I had just gotten to the point where the memory of Shireen doesn’t crush me every day, and now you bring all those feelings rushing back.

“In fact, when a terrorist drove through a crowd of counterprotesters in Charlottesville and internet sleuths looked up the license plate, I was sure it would come back registered to one of the Tarlys.”

And if they can respond to the above “no white people today” with “OK, I get it (I don’t get it but I will accept your position)“ they can be great friends! (I learned this one, despite being a nosy white person)

I’m not saying it’s right, but... this is why you need white allies.

Except for Coors Banquet Beer!

Just that spelling of misogynistic is more offensive to me.

Oh fuck you, my lip cracked again and I still can’t stop laughing.

This. THIS.

“Monongagheny” is this some portmanteau I was previously unfamiliar with?

Honestly, just turn off Jalopnik. It’s an embarrassment to former awker Media, and that’s saying something!

I don’t think you understand what that means.

You don’t understnd whaat “championship round” means.

No, it wasn’t. The losers are advancing. The place they’re advancing to should be vacated.

See, I’m fine with kicking them out, but give the next team a bye rather than advance a losing squad.