True. But the Hospitallers played the game right. When Acre was lost, the Knights of St. John established bases on Rhodes and Bodrum and then eventually Malta, where they lasted for 500 years.
True. But the Hospitallers played the game right. When Acre was lost, the Knights of St. John established bases on Rhodes and Bodrum and then eventually Malta, where they lasted for 500 years.
I went to TCU before they became a college football staple, so it was always fun hearing from ATM/UT T-shirt fans about how a small school like TCU doesn’t deserve the big stage. It is crazy how many fans those two schools have that literally never stepped foot on campus.
Don’t forget - hates abortion but had his girlfriend get one.
“Unfortunately, when I’m there, every white person in there automatically becomes Jeff Sessions in my head. Which is why I take my food to-go.”
There is also stuff like the reaction to the Nat Turner rebellion in which the euphoria swept the south and slaves who had no connection (some hundreds of miles away) were hanged by an angry mob.
I agree. Every time they want to cast Scott Eastwood, it just looks like they couldn’t get Chris Evans. Can we get Chris Evans for this? That would be awesome.
Yup let’s just keep voting Cruz in.
Remember the five.
Rob - for the unsullied- I think that one is easy. The loot train battle scattered the lannister forces allowing them to leave casterly rock, especially with a dothraki horde roaming in central westeros. Plus, Tyrion mentioned Jaime would keep his forces in check until The Meeting.
The only thing I can think of (saw this on another thread today) is that the Night King knew they had dragons and wanted to lure them out. Would also make sense why he is taking to long (the speed of plot) to make it to the wall.
I’m thinking Euron is laying low after he heard that the lannister army got torched by dragons. He now has leverage over both cersei and dany and he obviously didn’t build all those ships just for them to be burned.
How do you know so much about ravens?
I felt that euron was conspicuouslying absent as well. I think he trying to play bother sides and is laying low with theach lannister army defeated.
Winter fell isn’t on the way if you are already on the eastern coast and sailing by ship, as they all were.
I also remember in the books the description of dragon flame in the destruction of Harrenhall. It was very much more than just fire as it melted and destroyed stone. Almost like napalm.
True, but again, who is going to fight them when Westeros now knows she has dragons? In the books, the Golden Company was 5k soldiers. Maybe the show blows that up a bit. Either way it is a drop in her bucket compared to her Dothraki horde.
I think the main answer is that, they probably didn’t believe she had dragons and she represented a former dynasty that had its own warts - the mad king left behind a loathsome legacy to say the least. This was evident in her speech to the Lords of the Reach two episodes go.
I agree, but didn’t this episode show that she is profoundly incompetent? She risked her army to steal gold, over relied on questionable technology to fight the dragons, and now is completely reliant on a madman, Euron, to keep her throne.
The Romans used pilums which were small spears made for throwing. Spear is a general term, but many were meant for infantry or cavalry tactics and not airborne objects.
You’re right. I believe I read in my military history that while the British and Americans were responsible for taking out the Luftwaffe, I believe 3/4 members of the Wehrmacht were killed by Russians. A pretty staggering number.