You just answered your own question. Pretty clear that whoever’s skull that was, it wasn’t cleganes.
You just answered your own question. Pretty clear that whoever’s skull that was, it wasn’t cleganes.
Warcraft was a victim of its own pedigree. Because of the fanfare and potential for profit, they gave Jones the keys to the kingdom all the while forgetting to make a movie built on the basics: A good script and characters the audience can enjoy and care about. I think a good foil to Warcraft is deadpool, which didn’t…
I wouldn’t turn your back on them for a second.
Ron Paul touched on this cognitive dissonance back when he was running: It is considered to be “business friendly” by giving handouts to businesses and not letting the markets actually be free.
More or less the plot from the Kingsman (which was another reason I loved it).
Qui gon Jun likeable? Is that what you use to describe actors working with a script that has shallow dialogue and depth? He was boring, just like mace windy, and they shouldn’t have been. Boring script, characters we didn’t care about (outside of obi wan) and they killed off their best villain way too soon. Jar jar is…
INot buying it. TFA had a derivative plot, yes, but it gave us so much more than the prequels, especially with characters that are likable.
it doesn’t, at least for the iron throne part. Think of it this way, Aegon invaded, killed a bunch of people with dragons, and that was that. Now, to resolve the true plot point, I.e. The white walkers, I think will be the bulk of what is left.
Extra water you say?
Another good point. I still think it is unlikely, but perhaps something more likely is that brienne and pod run into the knights of the vale on their way back through most caillin.
I have a theory that Jaime is going to rush back to kings landing just to find out he has to end another plot to blow up the city.
You bring up a fair point as many people forget the boltons betrayed the lannisters by marrying sansa stark. The main reason it probably wont be Jaime as he is ready to return to cersei (as described in last episode)
Make that a urinal/slot machine with a view of the rink. Pay for standing room only, pee while you watch!
I think think the problem is that the books left off right when there were several indicators of the brotherhood taking a turn for the worst -finding the hounds helm and using it for their own ends, as well as what they do to brienne. This may be another situation where martin has let them in on some unreleased book…
Thank you for this. As a lifelong medieval history buff, this trope has played itself out. It reached a laughable apex in the movie timeline where the antagonist crafts up a new weapon, dubbed “night arrows” to surprise the French. Night arrows of course just being normal arrows, but since the fire arrows are so…
I think, when compared with how other animated movies, with children as a target audience, it is an amazing film due to the violence, soundtrack, voice actor quality, and so many other things. Only in the eighties would something as unique and oddly marvelous be created.
The starscream/bad comedy remark was great too.
Except Sam is going to the citadel and his father knows that. However, you do bring up a good point. Sam might actually send the sword North instead of retain it and to further torture his father, he might just lie and say he sold it.
I definitely think she is coming back. After last season’s wasteful-Dorne jaunt, I assumed that they might be skipping the the Jaime/Riverlands redemption arc altogether. But now with Brienne and Jaime back? Absolutely. However...