David Rosen

Exactly. Everyone knows that comedy comes from being nice.

I don’t know if I agree with the last point on edibles, as it’s quite a bit easier to overdo it with edibles, which can be a far worse trainwreck than smoking too much.

Was just about to say pretty much the same thing.

Some insurance policies don’t give two shits if you “know where the problem is. They still won’t pay for a specialist without a referral from the PCP.

I agree . Even Zoho have recently started to remove a lot of their FREE features and have left some of my clients in the deep poop. I’m sticking with Gmail too :)

Good point.

But bank robbers and murders are sentenced differently...i mean you’re kind of making the point you seem to be against.

The irony is that the film is about the pitfalls of angry people needing to put their anger elsewhere, and how displacing anger onto other people or situations will only reap more anger in re-turn.

Times a billion

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Just here for the comments:

We’re not idiots, we just read the way reading works. Whoever designed this is the idiot.

Eliminating net neutrality has absolutely zero bearing on the cost of entry for that market.

If providers are allowed to gouge the shit out of consumers, it will bring new providers out to jump on the bandwagon.

Yes, these articles are all written to appeal to people like you who want a smart-sounding person’s approval for what you’d do anyway.

I can’t answer you for 100% sure, but I migrated my account to Small Business and it seems to be basically identical. The only differences I can tell is the web portal is very different (but this has nothing to do with the app itself), the desktop app is a blue-ish silver instead of green and the ‘friends’ option is

That’s really funny. Same here.

The only difference that matters is the $10/month per computer, as opposed the old plan that cheaper. I suppose it gets unreasonable if you have 2-3 devices, otherwise that’s a great price IMO, for a service I already use, trust, and haven’t had any issues with.

Once at a dinner party (lots of wine, beer, etc) I got picked on for my Diet Coke. ( I don’t drink alcohol.) I got up and walked around the table and showed each drinker how their alcohol of choice had a specific health warning label. The next five minutes were nothing but silverware noises on plates. The hostess