
Seeing this, I can’t get the image of the people in Wall-E out of my head. Apparently that’s our future.

One step closer to this then.

I guess I was sheltered in that my grandmother and aunt both talked a lot less as they slipped into Alzheimer’s/Dementia respectively.

Green Arrow is undercover in the middle! At the perfect moment, “You HAVE FAILED this country!” Also, that’s Duddits, making sure nobody mentions toilet weasels.

That’s not a man, that’s a PS1 background character!

Check out Opie there on the right, that’s the vacant look of a soulless ginger getting his last few IQ points sucked out by a braying clown.

Laurence Olivier, something something something, its called acting

Daniel Day-Lewis was deep in method, as the shoe

“I’m getting my sneakers and then I look down at my phone and it’s Daniel Day-Lewis,”

Adam Sandler is a character Daniel Day-Lewis has been playing for nearly 30 years.

We are in the days that people will sous vide a couple pieces of bacon then fry them up. This silly shit might catch on.

K, Boomer

Screw this.  If k or ok does the job that is what I am using.  If you can’t handle it.....too bad.

Nah, I just send a stack of floppies in the mail.

What about sudden appearances of reptiles?