David Puddy the 2nd

Those motherfuckers are so dumb they think that a man born into wealth and whose business was built on Manhattan real estate and rubbing shoulders with the elite of New York City is just like one of them: a semi-literate bumpkin with parents who have less teeth than family tree branches who is slowly dying from black

We live in the most surveilled time of our lives and yet no one has any recordings of aliens, bigfoot, yeti, or the flat earth. Kinda disappointed in us as a species to be honest.

Of course he is. And we are free to call his opinion shit and to call your breathless defense of someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire a sad display by a pathetic simp.

It struggles with hands and fingers because humans struggle with hands and fingers. It isn’t hallucinating, it is attempting to create fingers based on the shitty drawings of hands and fingers and gets it wrong. Hands can also be a fist, or an open palm, or just the middle finger, or any combination of fingers and

Humans acquired information from their environment and then experimented with that knowledge to create tools.”

If the human mind isn’t capable of creating something new, nothing would ever have been created.

The human mind isn’t capable of creating something from nothing.”

I have no dog in this fight but asking “who cares” is never a genuine question. It’s very easy to see who cares - the people talking about it. It’s a dismissive rhetorical device, one used to shut down conversations not start them.

Whenever the crazier Albertans threaten to secede I don’t think they realize that for the rest of Canada it’s viewed the same as when Quebec threatens to secede.

People can interpret media any way they like, regardless of the author’s intent. 

But then why even bring it up? Pointing out that people are a product of the culture they were raised in isn’t some groundbreaking notion.

Your lives are sad and pathetic. Do better.

It’s just that the culture they come from is Western Christian Euro-American culture”

Sometimes a company is forced to remove a product from the market for a variety of reasons. We literally had a pandemic that fucked supply chains sideways, we have patent and copyright trolls, legal disputes and a little thing called lack of cash flow, among others. If you can’t think of any then I have to wonder if

Lost sales. There could be a myriad reasons why a product isn’t on sale anymore. So if it is freely distributed while it is not being sold then the market when the product is reintroduced is smaller. It’s not rocket science.

The producer is being harmed if they say they are being harmed. If you feel like you wouldn’t be harmed all the power to you. But that is entirely subjective.

Let’s say you have a piece of media that you made available and in return for consumption of that media you want $20. For whatever reason you decide to stop selling your media, after all it is your right as the producer.

I just don’t believe that other than necessities should this idea have merit. Video games are a luxury no matter how much we want to classify them as art (art is hugely subjective) so I don’t see the societal harm if Nintendo hoards their IPs and goes full Smaug whenever someone infringes on it.

Some art is meant to be a commercial commodity, like video games and movies, music and many forms of entertainment.

because if you’re not going to make it available to society, why should society respect your ‘ownership’ of it, when the concept of that ‘ownership’ is a purely social construct”