
Also every time I see a 60 or an 80 my brain is like “woooh! hey buuudddyyy,” but every time I see a 200 I’m like “hmmm by the time I could afford that I wouldnt want one.” I wonder if 200s will be all ARBed out 20 years from now. Assuming we’re still allowed to drive our own cars on city streets in 20 years.

If they only sold 3,100 of them, 80% must be here around the Colorado front range. I have an FZJ80 (currently with it’s intake system chilling 20 ft away from it in the garage), and see 80's, 100's, and 200's all over the place.

This article could also be titled “Bring Back Colors.”

Just in case anyone was curious, here is the actual question from the study about slavery being the central cause. In context, 8% isnt so surprising for a multiple choice question with so many reasonable sounding answers, in a political climate where people have been told “states rights” is a reasonable answer:

I went and checked the study, and it does say 8%. I bet this hinges on the phrasing. “Slavery as the central cause...” I’m sure a lot of students felt comfortable putting “states rights” or some kind of economic reason. In context, the 8% figure isnt so surprising.

what a coincidence, when I did my water pump, radiator, and hoses (and fan clutch) on my FZJ80 I also finished at 1 am and had a semi-illegal test drive.(expired temp tags. I only went around the block a few times) And it was a great feeling.

Yeah I dont fully get this either. HOWEVER:

Yeah I dont fully get this either. HOWEVER:

I agree that simplicity seems to catch my eye. Its like the Colin Chapman “simplify and add lightness” idea, but for styling. Designers that ask “how few lines can I use and make this memorable” seem to come up with either a) infinitely bland stuff or b) stunningly gorgeous stuff. I also always love a look of delicacy

I’m not ready to say these people “sold out” DACA recipients. We will see how they behave if the Republicans go reverse their stated desire to protect DACA recipients. But at the moment, the institutions of our government are careening towards a total collapse, so saving the institution of the Senate IS important.

I’d like to take a moment to note the irony of “Jake-Does Dumb Stuff so You Don’t Have To Now” complaining about David Tracy doing dumb stuff.

I used to boulder quite a bit. People who learn how to climb in gyms (myself included) often dont learn how to analyze a climb before jumping on. While obviously the title of the article was a hint, as soon as the video started it was pretty obvious that the top of the arete was a semi-detached block. Gotta climb up

In college I drove my girlfriend home from school, left my NA Miata with her, and flew home. When I flew back to hers to pick her and the car up a few weeks later the top was down, all the doors were open, and most of the carpets were out in the garage. The place smelled TERRIBLE, like... “approach it and you might

Please tell me how to get your job.


Did the drive belts/ AC belt on my new-to-me FZJ80. I’m not experienced, so I wouldnt say it went... flawlessly.... but it’s all back together after only ~3 hrs wrenching (judge away, I’ll still feel proud!) and everything seems to work fine. Next up —> where did my coolant go? out the old, cracked radiator cap? or

What if we TRADE: I hand you wrenches when you say things like “14mm socket STAT” and read aloud instructions from the shop manual for the VW, and you promise not to judge while telling me how to fix up my new-to-me 1995 FZJ80?

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I really think Torch and Stef fixing this old VW would make a great piece for Car vs America. Especially if they did it in my backyard in Colorado while I sat on the porch murmuring encouragement, sipping coffee.

Personally, I’m all in on smaller budgets. I think it forces actual creativity, rather than the strategy of “throw money and helicopter shots at it and hope people are dazzled into submission.”