
yea, always build in a global pandemic to every gantt chart!

You know there is a picture with black scribbles on it as part of this article, right? Those black scribbles are words, and address, specifically, this “point.”

Seven billion tickets..... So, anything from the middle shelf.

If you ever want to know how much effort is put into the portrayal of a long-term wheelchair-user, just look at the chair itself.

The warped humor was often a big draw to these games. It’s not like games like Space Quest or Beneath a Steel Sky or even The Longest Journey didn’t realize their puzzles were absurd - they were a big part of the hilarity.

A lot of police, across the country, woke up yesterday and thought “Give me a reason.” For so many, their attitude wasn’t to protect life or property or maintain decorum, but to confront and put down protesters challenging their authority. That, along with the obvious racial component, is why these protests are

Interesting observation: these are all really dark and heavy shows.

I’ve seen a lot of anime, though I’m also a major critic of most anime... and both Black Lagoon and Monster come up as mediocre in my mind. They do nothing to leverage the medium, and Monster in particular goes on and on and on... amounting to very little by the end. Should’ve kept it a concise 26 episodes, I think.

Ascendence of a Bookworm hype!

No thanks, I prefer either Masamune’s original depiction of her or SAC’s depiction.

“It’s anime not cartoons” is turbo weeb energy

Disagree. Cartoony and anime are essentially synonymous since both are cartoons or animation. And I’d with these designs they’ve completely walked away from the cartoonier anime aesthetic, and leaned heavily into a boyband-like realism. Which is fine, but it’s lacking in the same charm in my opinion.

Anime is cartoony. 

Hahaha. WOW. You weren’t even being sarcastic or ironic here were you? You genuinely said that without shame.

I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but anime is cartoons.

Uh...what? The original was not “cartoony”. It was anime.

I may be screaming into the void here but I need to let this out.

The Tick got done dirty in all sorts of ways. Ben Edlund talked to me briefly earlier this year and said that the show “underwent a revision of budget” (cough, cough) three weeks before filming. And S2 was STILL much better than S1.

I’be said this before but the scene in Season Two of The Tick where Superian does a riff on the “Can You Read My Mind?” soliloquy from the 1971 Superman movie as he abducts his critic is far more disturbing than anything The Boys did in its First Season.