I FUCKING LOVE EMMA FROST. That’s all I had to say.
I FUCKING LOVE EMMA FROST. That’s all I had to say.
“Do it for the wardrobe.” Dammit, Emma, I already love you, why do you have to make me love you more?
People aren’t complete idiots
Why is Spider-Woman in her old costume? Let it go already.
Just goes to show, piracy and fan projects like this are what happens when consumer demand isn’t met by legitimate means.
Can we talk about Thinkpad support for a minute? Because it’s amazing. Thinkpads have a warranty that’s valid worldwide. You can have your notebook fixed in Cairo or Prague if need be. In the US, I’ve gotten 12 hour turn around on DEPOT service (literally packing a notebook off at the end of a work day and having it…
Can we talk about Thinkpad support for a minute? Because it’s amazing. Thinkpads have a warranty that’s valid…
Totally agree. I’ve used and procured business-class laptops for companies for 20 years, and the Lenovo Thinkpads are still the best business — read: usable, comfortable, durable, reliable, powerful in all the ways that matter to most business users — laptops on the market.
Totally agree. I’ve used and procured business-class laptops for companies for 20 years, and the Lenovo Thinkpads…
I’m a dad and I don’t wrap my self worth up in my gaming abilities. I fucking love doing dad builds and I never thought to name it like this. It just means a comparative lack of fussing around for how much fun you can have playing a video game. I don’t spend hours in the character creator on an RPG, I spend five…
So you think a weapon that doesn’t need to be aimed more carefully then “the enemy is somewhere on the screen” should be equally matched against a gun that needs consistent headshots?
Yeah, turns out, Jotunn is actually really easy to avoid. Maybe, hear me out here, maybe if you’re getting killed by a weapon that’s easily dodged, you’re not that good to begin with. Or you refuse to learn new tactics when the weapon meta shifts. You know, because with movement you can avoid a Jotunn.
If you’re so damn good at the game, how is it that you’re getting beaten by a filthy casual?
What’s all this unnecessary whining about? “Holds its own in competitive play” means gives you a “chance” without having to grind for years.
Read the original article referenced. Really, if you’re that much better than someone, you’ll do better.
Bad players really shouldn’t beat good players on average. You can always get surprised or whatever, but if you are getting beat on a regular basis you are either, A, not as good as you think or, B, there is a game balance problem and you should just switch to the more effective gear until the balance is fixed. If…
I’m not offended.
If the “Dad Build” is beating the “Comp Build” doesn’t that by definition mean that it’s now a “Comp Build” and the “hardcore” should match up to the new meta? At that point, it then becomes all about skill, map awareness, etc. since the weapons are on an even playing field.
You are far too wrapped up in what other people are/aren’t doing, and not enough in how you’re behaving yourself. It’s time to step away from your device and go for a walk. What you’re doing isn’t healthy.
Basically every fighting game ever made has this dynamic. No game rewards difficulty of execution with effectiveness in a perfectly linear scale. Some characters are strong despite being relatively easy to use. Others are hard to use while not being as strong as you might think. In both cases the opposite is true as…
What are you on about? This is basically just about what in other games have sometimes been “budget builds”. Gathering gear that is effective enough to be enjoyable that doesn’t also require hours of grinding and calculating the best DPS on spreadsheets. Nothing wrong with that at all.
Except the gaming landscape is made up of more casuals then hard core players. Hard core players are not the target audience especially with massive games like destiny. You have that crap attitude that all elitist have.
I feel like you’re waaaay over reading this.